Human Rights and Equity Programs Alert:
Commission Chair Gloria Crawford called the Wednesday, June 7, 2017, Commission meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Commissioner S. Malik and seconded by Commissioner Salinas that the June 7, 2017, agenda be approved as presented. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Approval of Minutes: It was moved by Commissioner S. Malik and seconded by Commissioner Salinas that the May 3, 2017, minutes be approved as presented. The motion passed by majority vote with Commissioner Griffin Paul abstaining.
Director Saunders updated the Commissioners with the April Monthly Report. The staff met all of the Balance Score Card Goals except one for the month.
HRC #2016106H – FIR. It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Solon that this complaint be dismissed due to insufficient evidence that a violation of the Human Rights Ordinance has occurred consistent with the recommendation of OHREP. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
HRC #2016112H – FIR. It was moved by Commissioner S. Malik and seconded by Commissioner Solon that this complaint be dismissed due to insufficient evidence that a violation of the Human Rights Ordinance has occurred consistent with the recommendation of OHREP. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
HRC#2016111H – FIR. It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner S. Malik that this complaint be dismissed due to insufficient evidence that a violation of the Human Rights Ordinance has occurred consistent with the recommendation of OHREP. The motion passed by unanimous vote
HRC#2016030H – FIR. It was moved by Commissioner Griffin Paul and seconded by Commissioner Solon that this complaint be dismissed due to insufficient evidence that a violation of the Human Rights Ordinance has occurred consistent with the recommendation of OHREP. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
HRC#2017069H – CONCILIATION. It was moved by Commissioner Brangman and seconded by Commissioner Griffin Paul that the conciliation agreement in this matter be accepted as presented. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Commissioner Solon mentioned in the previous meeting that the Commission needs a system to better notify nominees for the Award Ceremony in a timely manner. This matter was discussed and Commissioner Crawford reported that the Nominee was notified within 5 days after the Commissioner’s approval.
Outreach – Commissioner Salinas attended an event on Thursday, May 18th, 2017, hosted by Sharron Bulova. He stated that he was impressed by how many Board and Commission members there were. Commissioner Salinas presented a proposal to establish communication with these committees in order to spread the word about the outreach programs.
Honoring Former Commissioner Margosis. Commissioner Salinas stated that he was curious to know what kind of award former Commissioner Margosis was presented by the Board of Supervisors. Commissioner Crawford will contact the Chairman’s office for further information. Then the Commissioners can decide what they would like to say at the next Awards Ceremony. Commissioner Crawford recommended that the topic also be presented to the Awards Committee.
The Commission voted on whether to support adding Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity and Source of Income to the protected classes. The Motion passed by unanimous vote.
The meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.