Page 34 - A Field Guide to Fairfax County's Plants and Wildlife
P. 34

Turf Grass
(a.k.a. your lawn)


Many different grass species
are used for turf grass. The
most common in Virginia
are Tall Fescue, Kentucky
Bluegrass, zoysiagrass,
Perennial Ryegrass and
Bermudagrass. While some native grasses such as Buffalograss are suitable
for turf, most of the turf grass you see is non-native.

Distribution and Habitat

Turf grass is planted widely throughout Virginia’s five physiographic
provinces. It is used as lawn, open space and for playing fields. Different
species are used in sunny areas than in shady spots.

Role in Food Web

Wild Turkeys and various
species of geese and ducks
feed on turf grass.

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