Page 36 - A Field Guide to Fairfax County's Plants and Wildlife
P. 36
anese Stiltgrass

(Microstegium vimineum)

Description Distribution and Habitat

This annual grass spreads and Japanese Stiltgrass prefers forested
forms thick stands. It can grow and wetland areas but can be found
up to a meter in length. The in a variety of conditions, including
alternate, pale green leaves lawns. It is common in disturbed
(3 to 8 centimeters long) have areas and has spread into all five
a distinctive white or silver line physiographic provinces.
running through the center of each
leaf. A thin stalk of tiny flowers is Role in Food Web
produced from September through
October. Each plant can produce Food source for butterflies,
1,000 seeds in the fall. grasshoppers, crickets and other
Stiltgrass is used as a packing
material for porcelain and other
delicate items. This is probably how
this very aggressive invasive plant
was introduced to the U.S. Like some
other invasive plants, Japanese
Stiltgrass changes the chemistry of
the soil, making it difficult for native
plants to grow. Native plants are very
important food sources for butterfly
larvae and other insects.

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