Page 105 - A Field Guide to Fairfax County's Plants and Wildlife
P. 105
ctivity: The watershed around you

A watershed is an area of land where all of the water that falls on it drains
to the same body of water. Watersheds are defined by high points in the
land such as hills and mountains. Water that falls on one side of the hill
drains to a different stream than water on the other side of the hill.
A relief map is a representation of the land surface. Using colors and
shading, relief maps provide a sense of the hills, valleys, and slopes.

On the relief map above, use a pencil to draw along the high points or
ridge lines surrounding the stream shown in dark blue. (Hint: The streams
shown in purple are part of a different watershed.)
After you have drawn your ridge lines, use a green pencil or crayon and
lightly shade the area within your outline.
The area you shaded green is the stream’s watershed, or drainage basin.
This area has a direct impact on the health of the stream.
Challenge yourself! You live along the stream where the red star is and
observe the stream daily.

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