Page 75 - A Field Guide to Fairfax County's Plants and Wildlife
P. 75
tern Tent
Caterpillar Moth

(Malacosoma americanum)


Adult moths are generally reddish
brown with white bands on the
front wings and a wingspan of 4
centimeters. The juveniles, called
caterpillars, are black with a white
stripe down the back and blue spots
or reddish and yellowish stripes
on either side. They are sparsely
covered with fine light brown hairs.

Distribution and Habitat When the caterpillars hatch they
immediately climb up a tree branch
Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moths and build a tent for protection. Many
prefer to lay their eggs in cherry, people consider them pests because
apple and other trees of the rose they can quickly eat all of the leaves
family (Rosaceae) because these on a tree.
are the preferred food sources (host
species) for the caterpillars once the
eggs hatch. They are found in all
five physiographic provinces.

Role in Food Web

Caterpillars prefer Black Cherry trees as well as other trees and shrubs
including apple, hawthorn, ash, birch, Blackgum, oak, Sweetgum, maple and
poplar when preferred species are not available. The adult moths live just
a few days and do not feed. Predators include American Robins, American
Toads, Eastern Box Turtles, fish, Raccoons and Eastern Garter Snakes.

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