
CONTACT INFORMATION: Office: 8:00–4:30 M–F. Branch hours vary. Please call your branch's direct line with account and eBook questions.
703-324-3100 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 324
Fairfax, VA 22035
Jessica Hudson

Friends of Dolley Madison Library

We Wish We Could but We Can't

Fairfax County Public Library branches cannot accept donations for the duration of the current COVID-19 health crisis. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Dolley Madison library.

The Friends of the Dolley Madison Library have been in existence for over 35 years, having been formed initially to push for the creation of a new building for the Library. The original Dolley Madison Library was housed from 1956 until 1967 in a very small brick building, previously the McLean Post Office, on Elm Street.


Over the years the Friends have raised funds in support of a new building, Library furnishings, equipment, signage, children's programs and books. More recently, they have supported the Library's volunteer program by funding an annual volunteer recognition luncheon. They also funded a nationally-known picture book author, Rosalyn Schanzer, as part of the Storybook Character Festival which the Library co-sponsored with the McLean Community Center.

Book Sales

Funds are raised primarily through an ongoing booksale, maintained by volunteers at the branch.

Donation Process

Anyone interested in making a donation of books to the branch is asked to call in advance to make sure we are able to accommodate their donation within our space limitations. The Friends are particularly happy to have recent, good-condition fiction and non-fiction books of popular interest.

Friends Officers

President: Becky Fleck
Treasurer: Nancy Fitzgerald-Greene

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