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Cli-Fi Books for Teens

Cli-Fi Books for Teens

By Hallie Jackson, School-Age and Teen Services Outreach Coordinator

FCPL will highlight both creativity and sustainability to support this year’s Summer Reading Adventure theme Oceans of Possibilities. What better way to participate than to read climate fiction, a growing genre of books that explore the impact of climate change, also known as cli-fi. Check out these three YA cli-fi books to get started.

  • The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline: Imagine a world where living with ecological collapse isn’t humanity’s biggest problem. In this book, as society struggles to function in a post-climate disaster landscape, humanity has also lost the ability to dream, leading to widespread mental illness. America’s Indigenous people are the last dreamers of mankind, and the rest of the world will stop at nothing to hunt them down in search of cure to dream loss.
  • Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse: After most of the world is flooded by ecological disaster, the ancestral homelands of the Dine people become the last vestige of human society. But climate change hasn’t only disrupted humankind — the gods and monsters of the world have also been awakened. Maggie Hoskie, a Dine monster hunter, works to protect her people from things that go bump in the night in this brave new world.
  • Dry by Neal Shusterman and Jarrod Shusterman: What happens in suburban California when the drought never ends? An all-out war as friends and neighbors become enemies fighting for access to water and resources. Set in a neighborhood that looks like many of our own, this is a terrifying glimpse into what a future suddenly changed by climate disaster could look like.
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