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Finding Heritage at Home

Free genealogy tools from the library enable virtual exploration of family history.

By Alana Quarles, Assistant Branch Manager, Centreville Regional Library

Now’s the Time

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we live, precipitating more time spent at home than most people have ever experienced. For some, this lifestyle change came with a silver lining: new opportunities and ways to pursue hobbies, activities and connections with friends and family. One ideal way to experience the latter has been to dig deeper into our roots. There is no time like the present to explore family history and learn about our heritage at home.

Beginning your own genealogy journey is easier than ever with the current availability of online tools. Have your library card ready and visit our Genealogy Guide at to find websites, resources and free databases like the ones below.

family treeDatabases for Discovery

Ancestry Library Edition is a powerhouse in genealogy. Offering intuitive searches and tutorials, it can provide even the most novice researcher a wealth of information. With so much of our lives documented online these days and the ability to scan family documents and photos, what was once stored in a shoebox under the bed is now available for the world to see online. With Ancestry®, you can access vital records, marriage licenses, death certificates, and now even church directories and school yearbooks. With basic keyword searching, you can type in a family member’s name and follow the breadcrumbs back to grandma’s house (figuratively speaking.) Normally accessible in-branch only, Ancestry Library Edition granted remote access to library users during the pandemic.(remote access ends March 31, 2021).

Fold 3 offers convenient access to original U.S. military records from the Revolutionary War onwards provided by the National Archives and other sources.

HeritageQuest Online holds more than 4.4 billion records — including census records, city directories, military records, wills and probate records, Freedman's Bank records and U.S. Serial Set records — along with books, maps and photos to search for clues to your family history.

Looking for More?

Many genealogical resources can be found in the Virginia Room, located at the City of Fairfax Regional Library. The Virginia Room contains genealogical print holdings and online databases for almost all 50 states in addition to many countries. Contact the Virginia Room at for genealogical assistance.

Virginia Room stacks and reels

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