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The Virtual Library Expands

Enjoy always-available resources and online programming. 

By Donna Heneberry, Assistant Circulation Manager, Reston Regional Library

Evolving With the Times

This past year brought many changes to everyday life — including library life. Like libraries around the world, FCPL faced the challenge of providing services when the public could not come in its branches. Yet providing those services became more important than ever as people looked for ways to stay connected to the larger world while staying safe at home. 

online libraryThe solution has been the expansion of the virtual library, including nearly 18,500 new library card registrations received by FCPL from March through December 2020. Many of these new patrons, both local and out-of-state (and even some living abroad!), have signed up online for digital library cards that enable them to use our databases and borrow our eBooks, eAudiobooks and other eMaterials. Plus, individuals located anywhere with an internet connection can attend the many virtual programs FCPL now offers. Branches’ ESL tutors moved their group and one-on-one classes online, using Zoom meetings to continue helping new residents and citizens integrate into society. Online English conversation practice meetings for beginner to skilled speakers are also available, along with grammar classes, citizenship classes and Korean and Spanish conversation groups.

Online Activities for All Ages

Children’s librarians have moved their ever-popular storytimes online, allowing kids to discover the joys of a good book while learning literacy skills from home. From March through November 2020, FCPL shared more than 550 storytimes that received nearly 70,000 views — and new ones are offered every week. Presented either as recorded videos or live video chat sessions, these reading programs include bilingual storytimes, adaptive storytimes and storytimes featuring art activities, basic counting, word play, science activities and even yoga. And there are unique opportunities for teen patrons to experience the virtual library, too. Teens can partner with beginning readers as a reading mentor, learn to play chess, discuss a variety of books and graphic novels, and more. 

Book, film and podcast discussion groups exploring many different genres have continued keeping people connected with virtual meetings — and the fun of discussing a favorite book or movie from the comfort of your own home is particularly appealing during cold winter weather or rainy spring months! Online programming also allows the public to: join support groups for writers, listen to published authors discussing their work; participate in trivia events and cooking, craft and maker programs; take yoga and meditation classes; and more. In short, virtual programs are available for nearly any age and interest. 

Access Your Virtual Library

Sign up for a library card here. For more information on FCPL’s online programming, read our Top 10 Ways to FCPL at Home or filter your library calendar search by the “Digital Programs” category. View recordings of past virtual events and activity videos on the FCPL YouTube channel

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