Public Affairs

CONTACT INFORMATION: Open during regular business hours, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday.
703-324-3187 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway
Fairfax, VA 22035
Tony Castrilli
Director of Public Affairs

How We're Reducing Electricity Costs in County Buildings

Did you know utilities costs for the Government Center, Herrity and Pennino buildings exceed $2 million annually? That's over $100,000 a month for the Government Center and more than $35,000 a month each for the Herrity and Pennino buildings.

Becoming a more energy-efficient organization is a priority for our Facilities Management Department and the county in general. Not only are costs and carbon emissions considerations, but also our responsibility to be a good corporate citizen. This summer, Fairfax County adopted a new, broader operational energy strategy to significantly lower utility bills and carbon emissions.

The strategy makes reducing electricity consumption a top priority. Electricity accounted for 51 percent of the county's total energy use in 2016—and it produced 65 percent of carbon emissions. Electricity was also responsible for 69 percent of the county's total energy bill.

Recent funding was allocated as a first-year investment in the strategy, which aims to reduce energy consumption in county buildings and facilities by 20 percent per square foot over 10 years. The funds are being used to replace incandescent or fluorescent lighting with LEDs in 18 facilities, including libraries, community centers and athletic fields.

Though implementing energy-saving technologies can require larger investments and longer-term planning, there are a host of solutions that can quickly, easily and inexpensively deliver significant savings, like the LED lighting retrofit, reducing lighting hours of operation and changing temperature set points during times when buildings are unoccupied or closed.

What are we asking county employees to do? Simple, no-cost measures such as:

  • Do not use personal electric heaters, refrigerators, coffee pots, toasters and other appliances at offices/desks. These appliances should be centrally located in designated kitchenettes.
  • Turn off lights and equipment when not in use.
  • Use task lighting at work stations in lieu of overhead lighting when working during off-hours.
  • Dressing for off-hours temperatures, when minimum cooling and heating levels are provided.


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