All wastewater is treated using state-of-the-art physical, biological and chemical processes to remove pollutants and pathogens that are harmful to the environment. Wastewater from county homes and businesses is treated at one of several treatment facilities throughout the region. The county owns and operates the Noman M. Cole, Jr., Pollution Control Plant, located in Lorton, which treats approximately 40 million gallons per day of wastewater from homes and businesses
Phone Numbers
Primary Phone #:
NOTE: Any email or other correspondence sent to a member of the Board of Supervisors,
or any other public official and/or employee of Fairfax County in the transaction
of public business is considered a public record, and such records are subject to
the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. This means that Virginia law generally
requires the County to provide a copy of any such email, upon request, for inspection
and copying to any citizen of the Commonwealth or to any member of the news media.