Fairfax Alerts
Sign up for emergency, weather and transportation alerts, as well as tax deadline and event reminders.
It's simple. If we can't reach you, we can't alert you.
Community Connect
Community Connect is a free, secure and easy-to-use platform for families and businesses. Share critical information that will aid first responders and emergency response personnel. Create or update your profile today.
Emergency Health Profile
Create your free emergency health profile to provide real-time critical health and medical information to first responders during an emergency or crisis event.
Email Subscriptions
Sign up for and manage Fairfax County E-mail subscriptions to receive newsletters, updates and alerts on various topics. You can choose from multiple subscription options, which can be sent directly to your e-mail account.
Mobile App
New Features of the County's Mobile App
The latest update has added app notifications. Receive timely alerts and NewsCenter updates, so you can stay in the know while on the go.