Fairfax County Maternity On-Line Medical Referral Services - MOMS
Welcome to MOMS-Care (Maternity Online Medical Referral Services) – A Fairfax County Health Department Maternity Safety Net Medical Program Initiative. If you are pregnant or think you are pregnant and live in Fairfax County, this web-based program provides an on-line option for you to receive quality prenatal care. By completing our On Line Eligibility Form, a Family Assistant Worker (FAW) will receive your information right away, and if you are eligible or not we will contact you, help you and refer you to the correct service. Whether you are here for yourself or someone else, our on-line form is completely confidential. Your information is in a secure system and will only be shared with our professional Health Department team.
If our On-Line Eligibility Form returns a message that you may not be in our service area, you should first confirm which local government provides services where you live. Then we invite you to consult the Other Links section for on-line resources associated with your jurisdiction. If you are unsure, complete our form and a FAW will help you determine where to obtain services. See our Other Links section for information on local programs offering valuable services to pregnant women, new mothers and their children. If you have questions about how to stay healthy, how the baby grows, changes during pregnancy, things you should do while pregnant, or things to avoid while pregnant, we invite you to visit the March of Dimes web site at http://www.marchofdimes.com.
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