Board of Supervisors - Chairman

CONTACT INFORMATION: Office open weekdays 8:30am - 5pm
703-324-2321 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 530
Fairfax, VA 22035
Jeffrey C. McKay
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4-8: Update on COVID-19 in Fairfax County
To the Fairfax County Community,
I want to start by wishing a Happy Passover to all who celebrate. With many important religious observations taking place over the coming weeks, I wanted to note the importance of finding alternative ways to celebrate. Because of the Governor's stay at home order, it is not permitted to attend a service at your usual place of worship or host or attend a gathering of more than 10 people.
I understand how important it is, especially now, to celebrate with friends and family. But we cannot forget our personal responsibilities to stop the spread of this virus. Please observe the holidays safely.
See below for the full April 8 edition. For the resources mentioned in past newsletters, visit my website. If you have a friend who would like to sign up for this newsletter, they can do so here.
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4-7: Update on COVID-19 in Fairfax County
To the Fairfax County Community,
Today, the County Executive released his amended proposal for the FY2021 budget. When we started this budget, we weren’t in the middle of the pandemic that has now heavily impacted our daily lives. The economic challenges we are facing pale in comparison to the health risks and loss of life some of our community is facing and our thoughts are with them.
Everyone in the region will be making hard decisions in the weeks and months ahead, but we are in this together and will see better days. Few places in this country have the resources, dedicated public employees, resolve and resiliency that Fairfax County has, and for that we are blessed.
Below, you can see a breakdown of the proposal. I also want to note here that residents will be able to comment on the budget during public hearings that have been deferred to April 28-30. We have made this decision in order to protect the health of our staff and the public. We are also recommending that you testify remotely via submitted videos, written testimony, or phone calls. Learn more here.
See below for the full April 7 edition. For the resources mentioned in past newsletters, visit my website. If you have a friend who would like to sign up for this newsletter, they can do so here.
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4-6: Update on COVID-19 in Fairfax County
To the Fairfax County Community,
I hope you had a great weekend and had the opportunity to spend some time outside, while remembering to follow social distancing orders.
We’ve been busy communicating with our state and federal partners to continue better positioning Fairfax County to fight the effects of this pandemic. I wrote to Governor Northam requesting continued funding for our local Health Departments, Community Services Board, and other local community and human services programs. The letter also emphasized the need to preserve state spending for our schools. I also signed onto a letter alongside 100 mayors and county leaders urging the Trump Administration to ramp up production of medical supplies and distribute those materials quickly. You can read that here .
Additionally, tomorrow the County Executive will be releasing his amended County budget. More information to come.
See below for the full April 6 edition. For the resources mentioned in past newsletters, visit my website . If you have a friend who would like to sign up for this newsletter, they can do so here.
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4-4: Update on COVID-19 in Fairfax County
To the Fairfax County Community,
Governor Northam announced yesterday that the Dulles Expo Center in Fairfax County will likely be the site of the first field hospital in Northern Virginia. After the decision is finalized, the hospital should be operational in about six weeks. As I have more information, I will continue to update you.
See below for the full April 4 edition. For the resources mentioned in past newsletters, visit my website. If you have a friend who would like to sign up for this newsletter, they can do so here.
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4-2: Update on COVID-19 in Fairfax County
To the Fairfax County Community,
I hope you are hanging in there. Staying home isn't easy, but we are very lucky to have the technological resources to explore the world remotely. Fairfax County has historical attractions, restaurants, breweries and wineries, and recreation centers that want to keep you busy from the comfort of your own home. Read below for the latest from Visit Fairfax.
Here is also a friendly reminder to fill out your Census.
See below for the full April 2 edition. For the resources mentioned in past newsletters, visit my website. If you have a friend who would like to sign up for this newsletter, they can do so here.
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3-31: Update on COVID-19 in Fairfax County
To the Fairfax County Community,
Tomorrow is Census Day and to recognize this, I wanted to remind everyone to take five minutes to fill it out. It can be done online, by phone, or by mail and you can learn how to respond here.
It is imperative that everyone is counted. The number of people who fill out the census influences federal funding, representation in Congress, Richmond and the Board of Supervisors, and investment in our County generally.
See below for the full March 31 edition. For the resources mentioned in past newsletters, visit my website. If you have a friend who would like to sign up for this newsletter, they can do so here.
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3-30: Update on COVID-19 in Fairfax County
To the Fairfax County Community,
Today, Governor Northam announced a temporary stay-at-home order effective immediately through June 10. More on this below.
It is essential that you follow the Governor's order and only leave home when absolutely necessary. If you are with others, you must maintain at least six feet of distance between one another. As I said yesterday, it is everyone's responsibility to flatten the curve and stop this virus. Today however it is no longer just a suggestion to stay home.
See below for the full March 30 edition. For the resources mentioned in past newsletters, visit my website. If you have a friend who would like to sign up for this newsletter, they can do so here.
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3-29: Update on COVID-19 in Fairfax County
To the Fairfax County Community,
It is imperative even in nice weather like today, that we continue to not congregate in groups larger than 10 and follow the state and County closures. It is everyone's responsibility to help control this virus. We will only be able to do so, if everyone does their part in flattening the curve. Learn how else we can all stop coronavirus from spreading, here.
See below for the full March 29 edition. For the resources mentioned in past newsletters, visit my website. If you have a friend who would like to sign up for this newsletter, they can do so here.
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3-27: Update on COVID-19 in Fairfax County
To the Fairfax County Community,

I am sorry to announce that a second Fairfax County resident has died of COVID-19. This is a tragic loss for his family, friends, and the community at large. My thoughts are with all those experiencing loss at this time.
See below for the full March 27 edition. To make sure that you are getting the most up-to-date information, we will continue to send this newsletter, but we're moving its regularity to once every other day (supplemented with breaking news). For the resources mentioned, visit my website. If you have a friend who would like to sign up for this newsletter, they can do so here.
Statement from Chairman McKay Read full article March 27, 2020 /chairman/sites/chairman/files/Assets/images2/Statement%20from%20Chairman%20McKay.png 0
3-26: Update on COVID-19 in Fairfax County
To the Fairfax County Community,
Fairfax County is here to help. Our staff has and will continue to find ways to work with the community and support you when you need it. As the landscape continues to change, we will make sure you have the information you need. In areas that are outside of our direct control, we will provide the best resources available.
Below, you will find the latest on FCPS's distance learning program, as well as resources for the uninsured, unemployed, and members of the arts community. It's also worth noting here that the enforcement date for REAL IDs has been extended to 2021.
See below for the full March 26 edition. For more County updates and resources click here. If you have a friend who would like to sign up for this newsletter, they can do so here.
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