Board of Supervisors - Chairman

CONTACT INFORMATION: Office open weekdays 8:30am - 5pm
703-324-2321 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 530
Fairfax, VA 22035
Jeffrey C. McKay

8-12 Update on COVID-19 in Fairfax County

To the Fairfax County Community,

If you are a parent, I understand the stresses relating to child care and virtual learning that you are probably experiencing. This stress is particularly difficult for those who must leave home for work. I'm a parent of two. I wasn't ready for the challenges of virtual learning either. However, it is time to prepare, to move forward, and to put ourselves in the best possible position for the upcoming school year.

The Board of Supervisors is committed to supporting FCPS in their decision to begin the year virtually. One way we are doing so is by launching a new program with a SACC component called Supporting Return to School. With this program we hope to partially fill the need for Fairfax County families regarding child care and providing a safe education environment for the kids who need it. More on this program follows the COVID-19 data update.

See below for the full August 12 edition of my newsletter. For the resources mentioned in past newsletters, visit my website. If you have a friend who would like to sign up for this newsletter, they can do so here.

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