Agency Detail (DPD 100095)
The Zoning Evaluation Division is charged with processing all zoning applications submitted to the county, and formulating recommendations for the approving bodies. The division also responds to requests for proffer and development condition interpretations, requests from citizens and community groups concerning zoning, and to requests for litigation support from the County Attorney.
Phone Numbers
Primary Phone #:
Primary Fax #:
Building Name:
Herrity Building
Physical Address Line 1:
12055 Government Center Parkway 8th Floor
City, State, Zip:
Fairfax, VA 22035
NOTE: Any email or other correspondence sent to a member of the Board of Supervisors,
or any other public official and/or employee of Fairfax County in the transaction
of public business is considered a public record, and such records are subject to
the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. This means that Virginia law generally
requires the County to provide a copy of any such email, upon request, for inspection
and copying to any citizen of the Commonwealth or to any member of the news media.