The Merrifield Center offers a range of clinical programming. The CSB’s 24/7 emergency services, mobile crisis team, and entry/referral/assessment services are located at Merrifield. Outpatient services and supports, intensive case management, psychiatric services, medication management, community-based supports for individuals with intellectual disability, and wellness and health promotion services are also provided at Merrifield. For Emergency Services, call 703-573-5679.
Phone Numbers
Primary Phone #:
Physical Address Line 1:
8221 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive
City, State, Zip:
Fairfax, VA 22031
NOTE: Any email or other correspondence sent to a member of the Board of Supervisors,
or any other public official and/or employee of Fairfax County in the transaction
of public business is considered a public record, and such records are subject to
the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. This means that Virginia law generally
requires the County to provide a copy of any such email, upon request, for inspection
and copying to any citizen of the Commonwealth or to any member of the news media.