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Create TRACERS Customer Account

Fairfax County, Virginia

Please fill out the below information to create a “ TRACERS customer account”. The customer is the primary owner of the account and is the person that will be signing a participant up for a program and receiving all electronic communications from the Therapeutic Recreation office (i.e. parent/guardian, group home manager). Should you have difficulty using the system or need additional information please contact TRACERS Administrator.

As a customer you will:
  • Complete and submit all required registration materials for the participant(s)
  • Receive emails regarding enrollment status of participants
  • Receive email updates of any missing paperwork or participant information
  • Be responsible for submitting all additional or missing paperwork or documents required for program enrollment
  • Be responsible for ensuring the information about the participant is accurate and up to date
Password Requirements:
  1. Must include at least one alphabetic character (a through z or A through Z)
  2. Must include at least one numeral (0 through 9)
  3. Must include at least one non-alphabetic character (such as !, $, #, %)
  4. Must be a minimum of eight characters long
Please provide at least one phone number