Department of Family Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
703-324-7500 TTY 711
12011 Government Center Parkway, Pennino Building
Fairfax, VA 22035
Michael A. Becketts

Foster Family News - 2019 November

Foster Family Newsletter banner

Welcome to the 2019 November issue of Foster Family News, a monthly newsletter for current and potential Fairfax County foster parents.

In this issue:

Table of Contents
  • Preparing Youth for Adult Responsibilities
  • Children Awaiting Adoption
  • Family Fun Picnic Slideshow
  • Event Central: Fairfax County School Year Calendar; Fairfax Kinship/Foster/Adoptive Parents' Night Out; Woven Together by Love
  • Frequently Asked Questions: What about transportation?
  • Story in Statistics: Minimum Age to Become a Foster Parent
  • Donors and Sponsors Highlights: Fairfax County Park Authority
  • Upcoming Trainings and Conferences: Nov. 16 Supporting Youth in Foster Care Through Their Teen Years and Beyond


Preparing Youth for Adult Responsibilities

students using computerThe Department of Family Services' Life Skills program for youth aged 14 to 21 in foster care help prepare them for adult responsibilities and choices. Youth served may live in foster homes, with a family member, in group homes, in therapeutic residential facilities or on their own. Our community plays an important role in supporting youth safety, stability and well-being. How can you help?

  • Sponsor a high school teen by making contributions toward senior class events, including prom, class pictures, school rings, yearbooks and graduation events.
  • Assist a college-bound teen with applications, financial aid forms and college campus visits.
  • Coach or tutor in-school subjects for SAT or GED test preparation.
  • Help teens learn about the work environment.
  • Help teens learn about computers and commonly used computer software applications.
  • Sponsor the tour of a community facility, business or factory.
  • Provide space for meetings, trainings and special events.
  • Provide employment or volunteer opportunities (during the summer or school year).
  • Donate tickets to sports, entertainment, social functions, arts and cultural, bowling, skating, fairs, festivals, movies, museums, parks and recreation centers.
  • Donate advertising space in newspapers, newsletters, websites or on the radio and television.
  • Donate items for life books - cameras, film, scrapbooks and supplies, film processing and tools.
  • Donate food/snacks for training events.
  • Volunteer your time at a special event, training, career fair or other group event.
  • Help youth celebrate a birthday or holiday by donating gifts or gift cards.

Learn more information about the Life Skills program or for more ways you can help.

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Children Awaiting Adoption

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Family Fun Picnic Photos

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Event Central

generic calendar graphic

What’s Happening When?
Get a handle on holidays, teacher’s workdays and more when you print a copy of the 2019-2020 Fairfax County Standard School Year Calendar!

Fairfax Kinship/Foster/Adoptive Parents' Night Out - Nov. 9 (RSVP by Nov. 5)
McLean Presbyterian Church is saying THANK YOU to Fairfax Kinship, Foster & Adoptive Parents by hosting a Parents' Night Out. Drop off all children living in your home ages (12 and under) and trained volunteers will care for them. Enjoy a FREE evening off. Children will enjoy a pizza dinner, games crafts, movies and age appropriate fun. Kinship, foster and adoptive parent registration formRSVP by Nov. 5.
Saturday, Nov. 9, 4:30-8:30 p.m.
McLean Presbyterian Church, 1020 Balls Hill Road, McLean VA 22101

Woven Together by Love - Nov. 15 (RSVP by Nov. 8)
The Department of Family Services’ Foster Care and Adoption Program celebrates adoptive parents and invites families to the Annual National Adoption Awareness Month Celebration. Learn about adoption and post-adoption services while enjoying free food, face painting, caricature artists, music and live entertainment. RSVP by Nov. 8 to Anne Goldberg.
Friday, Nov. 15, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Pkwy, Fairfax, VA 22035

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Each newsletter will include this section to help answer questions, spotlight the people who support foster families, highlight the donors and sponsors who generously give to foster care programs and activities and friendly reminders for foster families to sign-up for trainings.


question marksQuestion: What about transportation?


1. What are the DFS foster parents’ primary transportation responsibilities?
DFS foster parents’ primary responsibilities include: transportation of the child to and from community activities, school/college; recreation/leisure time activities; therapy; medical appointments; and Family Partnership Meetings (FPMs). It is important for foster parents to accompany the child for medical and psychological appointments. 

2. What mutual responsibilities are both DFS and foster parents responsible for?
Dependent on the foster parent’s employment and family commitments, DFS will support foster parents by sharing responsibilities on transportation related to court hearings, birth parent/child visitations, FAPT meetings, and training events related to independent living programs.

3. What are DFS’ responsibilities in providing/arranging transportation?
DFS is committed to supporting foster parents and children who have joined their families through foster care. DFS can offer assistance with transportation on a case-by-case basis when such transportation is considered above and beyond, such as transportation of children who remain in their original schools as a result of the “Best Interest Determination” meeting, or multiple weekly parent/sibling visits. Discuss with your case worker if you have questions. DFS will also provide transportation for emergency appointments when the foster parents are provided with less than 1 week notice and are unable to adjust their schedules. For emergency foster care, DFS will collaborate with the foster parents during the first 72 hours of a child’s arrival. We will then provide transportation for up to 2 weeks, to support foster parents as they adjust their schedules, if needed. 

4. When can children ride in a cab or Logisticare vehicle on his/her own?
Sending children in foster care to any appointment or activity without being accompanied by an adult or caregiver is not permitted unless approved by the DFS specialist. The DFS specialist together with the foster parent will consider all factors, including the youth’s chronological and developmental age, in making those decisions.

5. Will DFS take my availability into consideration when setting up appointments?
Yes, the specialist will consult with foster parents on their availability in setting up appointments. Since some appointments involve other parties, such as the birth families, providers and other professionals, these appointments may need to occur at a time that conflicts with the foster parents’ schedule. DFS will arrange for transportation under these circumstances.

6. What is the expectation of transportation for foster parents who receive a VEMAT payment?
Foster parents may receive a VEMAT payment when a child has a clearly defined need that requires the parent to provide increased support and supervision due to the child’s behavioral, emotional, or physical/personal care requirements. If a foster parent is receiving a VEMAT rating as a result of a particular behavioral, emotional, or medical need, it is the primary responsibility of the foster parent to provide transportation to the appointments related to such needs. Foster parents may request assistance from DFS on a case-by-case basis. Such requests should be made to the DFS case manager and approved by the supervisor.

7. Will DFS reimburse mileage?
For non-Medicaid eligible trips, mileage may be paid to the foster parent for mileage beyond a 10-mile one-way distance. DFS may choose to pay mileage for the first 10 miles when such transportation is considered excessive. For example, if foster parents are already transporting a child more than once or twice a week, foster parents can request mileage reimbursement. We will pay for additional trips starting from mile one.  A DFS supervisor’s approval will be required for all mileage reimbursement requests.
Note: Foster parents should submit mileage monthly to the DFS case manager. Please also see below: How will foster parents be paid?

Medical and psychological appointments are typically eligible for Logisticare transportation or Logisticare mileage reimbursement. The medical/mental health service provider must be a Medicaid provider for the trip to be eligible. Foster parents who desire to receive reimbursement for mileage for Medicaid-eligible trips should become a Logisticare transportation provider. Logisticare can verify eligibility of trips when you are not sure. You can contact your resource specialist if you need assistance in signing up with Logisticare.

Logisticare’s Contact Information
Phone Number 866-216-7870

DFS will also reimburse mileage to foster parents who are transporting children to school on a regular basis.

8. What types of appointments will DFS not reimburse for mileage?
DFS will not reimburse for Medicaid eligible trips. If a child placed with the foster parent is eligible for Medicaid services, the foster parent should become a Logisticare Medicaid registered driver. Logisticare will pay 50 cents per mile, starting from mile one. All foster parents should also sign up with Logisticare so they can receive mileage reimbursement for Medicaid eligible trips, e.g., therapy and medical appointments. If child does not have Medicaid, this section does not apply.

9. Will DFS reimburse mileage for preplacement visits?
Yes, we will reimburse mileage starting from mile one. DFS supervisor’s approval will be required.

10. Will DFS reimburse foster parents’ mileage when visiting the youth who is not placed in their home?
Yes, we will reimburse mileage starting from mile one. DFS supervisor’s approval will be required.

11. How will foster parents be paid?
Foster parents will need to be made a “vendor” with Fairfax. As mentioned earlier, request for mileage reimbursement should be discussed with the specialist and preapproved by the supervisor. Foster parents will need to fill out an actual mileage log/reimbursement form and submit it to the specialist.

Check out other frequently asked questions and answers from past issues.


Story in Statistics - Minimum Age to be a Foster Parent 21 years in Virginia; 18 years in Fairfax County

A person must be 21 to become a foster parent in the state of Virginia. Fairfax County, however, differs from the state; the minimum age to foster parent in the county is 18.


Our partners and donors are the true power behind communities of care for Fairfax County Foster Care and Adoption. With them we can provide amazing support services, community events and after care resources.

Fairfax County Park Authority graphic logoThis issue highlights and thanks Fairfax County Park Authority. Their generous, ongoing support helps make many of our events huge successes.

Contact Information

Check out highlights of other donors and sponsors from past issues.

TRAININGS AND CONFERENCES (For Fairfax County Foster Parents Only)

mechanical wheelsThe following trainings and conferences are for Fairfax County foster parents only.


Inservice (For certified Fairfax County foster parents. Registration required.)

Nov. 16, 2019 9 a.m.-noon Supporting Youth in Foster Care Through Their Teen Years and Beyond
Learn how DFS can support the youth in your home through an annual life skills assessment and the development of a transitional living plan. Parents can also learn about strategies and services that aid teens in developing independent living skills to prepare them for healthy productive lives. 

Learn more and save the dates for upcoming trainings and conferences.


envelopeWhat do you want to see in Foster Family News?

Submit your suggestions to Angela Morlu.



Check out past issues of Foster Family News.

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