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Michael A. Becketts

Emergency Health Profile – Tell 9-1-1 the Rest of the Story

Article by Steve McMurrer, 9-1-1 Systems Administrator, Department of Safety Communications

(Posted 2021 September)

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Paul Harvey, a well-known radio broadcaster, gave fascinating background information over the radio for many years by using his famous “Rest of the Story” tagline about a commonly known event. Now you can follow in Paul’s footsteps, so to speak, and tell 9-1-1 the rest of your medical story in a very simple and effective way.

Communicating essential medical information to 9-1-1 during a crisis is always helpful and often can be the difference between life and death. Remembering all the details of your health situation and relaying it to 9-1-1 is difficult on a normal day and is nearly impossible during an emergency crisis. If you want to quickly give 9-1-1 the “rest of your story,” please take this opportunity to fill out a voluntary personal Emergency Health Profile.

Fairfax County Emergency Health Profile, Create Your Free Personal Health Profile, So Fairfax County 9-1-1 and other first responders can better help you during an emergencyThe information for your Emergency Health Profile is stored at a third-party secure site (RapidSOS), who teamed with the American Heart Association, American Red Cross, and Direct Relief to sponsor this voluntary health database.

To complete the profile, you will need to go to the profile webpage to enter your information. You will also need your wireless phone and an email address. You can voluntarily enter behavioral health information, pre-existing medical conditions, allergies, emergency contacts and more. The data fields on the Emergency Health Profile form are flexible and allow you latitude in telling your medical story.

Remember to be accurate but also be brief as 9-1-1 emergencies move quickly and the first responders in 9-1-1 need to find the important information quickly.

Some of the emergency profile fields on the webpage such as “Other” can be used to tell critical relevant information such as “wheelchair bound” or “autistic child in home” or “oxygen in use at home.” You know your story best, so tell it to 9-1-1 so they can check this emergency profile after they have sent the initial wave of first responders.

Remember, this Emergency Health Profile is voluntary and is just another way to assist responders. If you enter the profile and later change your mind, you can delete the profile. But if you keep the profile, remember to update it periodically if your health situation changes. Now you know the “Rest of the Story.”

For more information and to sign up, visit Emergency Health Profile.

This article is part of the Golden Gazette monthly newsletter which covers a variety of topics and community news concerning older adults and caregivers in Fairfax County. Are you new to the Golden Gazette? Don’t miss out on future newsletters! Subscribe to get the electronic or free printed version mailed to you. Have a suggestion for a topic? Share it in an email or call 703-324-GOLD (4653).

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