SHAPE the Future of Aging is a strategic plan to make Fairfax County a better place to age, for older adults to live safely, independently, and with dignity. SHAPE is an acronym that includes five areas of focus:
- Services for Older Adults and Family Caregivers
- Housing and Neighborhood Supports
- Access to Mobility Options
- Personal Well-Being
- Economic Stability and Planning
The SHAPE the Future of Aging plan is aligned with the Fairfax County Strategic Plan and OneFairfax to address the needs of older adults as we plan for the future. The SHAPE the Future of Aging Plan was adopted by the Board of Supervisors in May 2023.
Initiative Development Committees (IDC) have been formed and are focusing on each of the five SHAPE categories. Each committee is led by two members of the Fairfax Area Commission on Aging. The IDC membership is composed of experts from community-based organizations, 50+ Community Ambassadors, and a rich blend of public and private stakeholders, including private citizens and business owners, as well as residents including older adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers.
Representatives from the Affordable Housing Advisory Council, Coordinating Council on Aging and Adults with Disabilities (CCAAD), Commission for Women and the Transportation Advisory Commission are also serving as members of the IDC. In addition, many County agencies are members of committees including the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board, Department of Emergency Management and Security, Department of Family Services, Department of Planning and Development, Department of Transportation, Department of Housing and Community Development, Land Development Services, Fairfax County Public Library, and the Department of Neighborhood and Community Services.
For further information, please contact the Fairfax Area Commission on Aging at
SHAPE the Future of Aging Plan Addresses Needs of Older Adults | News Center
The SHAPE the Future of Aging Plan is to act as a North Star as the county evaluates the needs of the older adult population and caregivers. This article shares the plan's outline, goals and future.
Golden Gazette Special Edition: SHAPE The Future of Aging
This special edition of the Golden Gazette was created to provide an update and overview of the work done over the course of the first year of the SHAPE the Future of Aging Plan.
SHAPE the Future of Aging – County Conversation Podcast
Check out the County Conversation Podcast on the SHAPE the Future of Aging Plan, as host Jim Person talks to Tara Turner, director of the Fairfax Area Agency on Aging, about the plan and its importance to the community.
2022 CASOA Survey Results
- Very few differences were noted by gender.
- Older adults in their 70’s and 80‘s had greater needs, but they were also more likely to rate the community positively as a place to live and retire.
- Lower ratings of community quality were most often provided by respondents who identified (per survey language) as: Asian, a Race Not Listed, or More than One Race.
- Greater needs were experienced by respondents identifying (per survey language) as: Asian, a Race Not Listed or Hispanic/LatinX/Spanish.
- More differences between 2019 and 2022 were seen in the responses of respondents identifying per survey language as: Asian or Hispanic/LatinX/Spanish.
Note: Numbers in red and green indicate a change of more than 10 percentage points higher (green) or lower (red) than when the same question was asked in 2019. Whether that is a positive or a negative change depends on the type of question being asked:
- For questions that ask for a rating of excellent or good, more positive response are higher numbers.
- For questions that ask if the characteristic is a minor problem, moderate problem or major problem, more positive responses are lower numbers.
- Questions that ask about the frequency of events vary depending on the topic (e.g., fewer hospital stays are more positive as are a greater number of visits with friends and family).
Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults (CASOA)
Fairfax County, together with the cities of Fairfax and Falls Church, collected input to learn more about the aging experience in our area to plan for a more aging-friendly community.
Learn more details and history of the process at the Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults (CASOA) webpage.