Department of Family Services

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Michael A. Becketts

Honoring and Celebrating Volunteerism

Article by Tanya Erway, Volunteer Solutions Recruitment Coordinator

(Posted 2024 April)

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Photo of Julie Brown leading her S.A.I.L. class at Lewinsville Senior Center.
Julie Brown leading her S.A.I.L. class at Lewinsville Senior Center. 

The month of April is Global Volunteer Month, which came about after National Volunteer Week was established by presidential proclamation fifty years ago. This year, National Volunteer Week is celebrated April 21-27. Volunteers in Fairfax County are essential to creating a rich fabric of engagement, and we honor and recognize all the ways they serve our community. 

Volunteer Solutions is a partnership between the Fairfax County Department of Family Services and Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS). We have volunteers who provide support one-on-one to older adults, adults with disabilities, and family caregivers, and in group settings, to participants in senior centers and adult day healthcare centers. 

Volunteer Solutions appreciates all our generous volunteers, and is taking this opportunity to spotlight Julie Brown, a dedicated volunteer who has taken on various roles over the past nine years. Julie initially helped older adults with grocery shopping, errands, and more. She then transitioned to volunteering in a group setting at Lewinsville Senior Center, where she continues to enrich her community today.

Julie’s husband is from McLean, Virginia, and they moved here in 2000 from Boston, where they got their master’s degrees. They have two sons, in 8th and 11th grades. Julie is originally from Florida and has a master’s degree in physical therapy. She worked at Massachusetts General in Boston, National Rehabilitation Hospital in DC, Virginia Hospital Center, and then, finally, a home care agency. 

Portrait photo of volunteer Julie Brown.
Volunteer Julie Brown. 

In 2017, Julie became a certified S.A.I.L. fitness instructor via Volunteer Solutions/NCS, and the Northern Virginia Falls Prevention Alliance. She summarizes the fitness program in this way, “Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) is a comprehensive exercise program with an emphasis on fall (and injury) prevention, through balance exercises, strengthening, and gentle aerobics. You don’t need an exercise background to become an instructor; you just need to complete the one-day certification training.” Julie educates participants on how to be safer and lead healthier lives, while forming connections and friendships. As a former physical therapist, her background fits well with this volunteer role. 

Julie leads her classes twice per week, in 12-week sessions, taking into consideration each participant’s fitness level, showing them how to adjust their movements accordingly. It’s a judgment-free zone and her motto is, “Never compare yourself to anyone else. We’re all on our own journey.” 

Lewinsville Assistant Director, Ana Diaz, explained, “Members are sometimes taken aback when they hear that S.A.I.L. is to help with ‘fall prevention,’ but once they give the class a chance they fall in love with Julie’s welcoming, friendly, and easygoing personality. She goes beyond the volunteer instructor role, ensuring members are enjoying the class with peers and meeting their individual goals.”
Julie has gained so much popularity at this center that they ran out of space in the main room and started live streaming her class in the room across the hall for additional participants. Ana joked, “We could not split Julie into two, but thanks to technology we somewhat did.” Julie is so dedicated that even when she goes away for a month-long summer vacation to North Carolina, she teaches the class virtually from there. She shared that she maintains personal boundaries and only leads the class once per week while she’s on vacation. She recognizes that self-care is important.

We are grateful for Julie and all volunteers who generously give their time to others!

Volunteering benefits all involved. Consider improving the quality of your own life while helping others improve theirs. Social connections positively impact health, too. If you would like to volunteer as a fitness instructor (there are various types needed; one with training provided and others where you bring your skills to the role) – or any other activity leader – at one of Fairfax County’s senior centers, go to for the list of roles. To peruse a broader array of volunteer opportunities, go to

If you’d like to let our community know about other local volunteer opportunities email Tanya Erway at to possibly be included in a future edition.

This article is part of the Golden Gazette monthly newsletter which covers a variety of topics and community news concerning older adults and caregivers in Fairfax County. Are you new to the Golden Gazette? Don’t miss out on future newsletters! Subscribe to get the electronic or free printed version mailed to you. Have a suggestion for a topic? Share it in an email or call 703-324-GOLD (4653).

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