Fairfax County continues to be one of the safest jurisdictions in the country. Working together we can make sure Fairfax County remains at the forefront of preventing gang crime and the influence of gangs on our children. Parents, family members and entire communities are the number one defense against a child becoming a part of a gang or choosing to participate in gang-like activities. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors' comprehensive gang prevention, intervention and suppression effort coordinates county, school, private, faith-based and community-based gang prevention programs and initiatives.
Fairfax County has long been involved in gang prevention and related public safety activities through its Police Department's Gang Investigative Unit and providing numerous recreation and education programs for youth.
As a child's parent or family member or an adult in the community, you have a major role to play in preventing children from joining a gang or participating in gang activities. Use these resources to help navigate the difficult conversation we all need to have with our children.