Online Tax Transactions
Information for New Businesses
Starting a new business in Fairfax County? Welcome! There are many things to consider including trade name registration, incorporation, licenses, permits, and taxes.
BPOL Licenses
Most businesses operating in Fairfax County must possess a Business, Professional and Occupational License (BPOL).
Other County Licenses
In addition to the BPOL, auto graveyards, bondsmen, fortune tellers, carnivals, and businesses serving mixed beverages require other licenses.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some frequently asked questions relating to business taxes in Fairfax County.
Business Tangible Property and Vehicles
Businesses in Fairfax County are required to pay taxes on tangible properties. Tangible properties include office furniture, computer equipment, machinery, and tools. Businesses also pay tax on their vehicles.
Other Business Taxes
In addition to business licenses and tangible property tax, some businesses are subject to additional taxation. If you are a short-term rental business, hotel, motel, bank, or rent your home, apartment, or a room on short-term basis, these additional taxes may apply to you:
Appealing Business Tax Assessments
Any person or business assessed a Business, Professional and Occupational License (BPOL), machinery and tools or business tangible property tax may seek a review of their assessment. View procedures for local business tax appeals.