Chapter 31 of Fairfax County Code requires that peddlers and vendors selling goods or services door-to-door or from a temporary location in Fairfax County obtain a Solicitors License. Solicitors Licenses are issued by Department of Cable and Consumer Services, Regulation and Licensing Branch.
Who needs a Solicitors License?
Any individual who sells goods or services door-to-door or from a temporary location in Fairfax County is required to have a Solicitors License. Solicitors may sell goods including, but not limited to, books, magazine subscriptions, flowers, firewood, coupon books, frozen meat, ice cream, or ready-to-eat hot foods. They may also offer services such as tree work, driveway sealing, high-speed internet and cable service, free estimates for home improvements, or home security alarm systems.
Soliciting without a license is a criminal offense and violators of Chapter 31 may be charged with a Class 2 Misdemeanor.
Chapter 31 excludes solicitors selling certain products from the license requirement. Solicitors who offer only the following goods or services do not need a license to solicit in Fairfax County:
- Fresh farm food products, including produce and dairy products
- Newspapers and newspaper subscriptions
- Real estate or insurance, when the individual is licensed under Title 38.2 or 54.1 of the Code of Virginia
How to Apply
All license applicants must appear in person at 12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 127, Fairfax VA 22035 to apply. Applications are accepted Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm, excluding holidays.
The following are required to apply for a Solicitor License:
- Completed application and Release of Personal Information form; signed and notarized. Notary services are provided during the application process at no charge to applicants.
- Two forms of identification, one of which must be valid, unexpired government-issued picture ID
- Applicants who live or have lived outside of Virginia in the past 12 months must provide a state background check from their state of residence (other than Virginia), normally available through state police
- Payment of $35.00 ($20 for permit, $15 for Virginia State Police background check) made payable to County of Fairfax. Virginia State Police background checks are ordered by Regulation and Licensing Branch for all applicants, regardless of resident jurisdiction
Solicitors License application packet (pdf)
Food Vendors
Food vendors, such as food truck employees, are required to have a Solicitors License. Additional permits are required for food vendors, including a Fairfax County BPOL, Fairfax County Health Department permit, and approval of the location where food will be sold. Comprehensive information for food truck vendors can be found here.
Security Alarm Sales Representatives
Solicitors who sell security alarms door-to-door are required to have a Solicitors License, and are required to present a valid registration card issued by Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) as an Electronic Security Sales Representative when applying for a Solicitors License. Information on applying for registration as an Electronic Security Sales Representative can be found on the Virginia DCJS website.
Information for Consumers
Solicitors are required by Chapter 31 to show their license to any prospective customer who requests it. Consumers should always ask solicitors for their Fairfax County license. Solicitors are also required to leave the premises when asked by any prospective customer, may not solicit where “No Peddlers or Solicitors” signs are posted, and may only operate between the hours of 9:00 am and 8:00 pm.
Additional information for consumers, including an example of a Fairfax County Solicitors License.
Learn more about the Fairfax County Code Chapter 31.