- Events - Bike to Work Day and more
- Capital Bikeshare
- Scooters and Shared Mobility Devices
- Safe Streets for All Recommendations
- Safe Routes to School Program
- Regional Street Smart Campaign
- Paving and Restriping Program
- Volunteer
- Ambassador Program
- Crosswalk Counts - Count pedestrians and bicyclists at intersections and trail crossings to determine if a new marked crosswalk is warranted. Counts are usually conducted in fall and spring.
- Awards
- Where to Walk, Hike and Ride
- Infrastructure and Signals
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Laws and Safety
- Scooters and Shared Mobility Devices
- Report a Sidewalk or Trail Maintenance Issue (Public Works)
- Report a Sidewalk or Trail Gap
- Request A Curb Ramp (Sidewalk Accessibility)
- Governance
- FCDOT News (Projects, Studies, Public Meetings)
- Where to Bike (Bike Map)
- Commuting by Bike
- Paving and Restriping Program
- Events
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Laws and Safety
- Bicycle Parking (Secure Bike Rooms/Lockers)
- Bike Parking Guidelines
- Bicycle Master Plan
- Countywide Trails Plan
- Maintenance and Requests:
- Did you know FCDOT is a Bicycle Friendly Business? And your company can be recognized too! Find out here.
Maintenance Requests - Streets, On-Street Bike Lanes, Crosswalks and Traffic Signals | Who maintains the streets in Fairfax County? |
Potholes; traffic signals and signs; trees/branches; roadside ditches, curbs and gutters; traffic signals; and snow removal |
The Virginia Department of Transportation (1-800-FOR-ROAD (367-7623); TTY 711) maintains the thousands of miles of public streets in the county (interstate, primary, secondary, and residential) A few miles of public roadway are maintained by the county under the Fairfax County Road Maintenance and Improvement Program: 703-324-5800, TTY 711. On public streets that border Fairfax County, streets and traffic signal maintenance may be provided by Arlington County or the Cities of Alexandria and Falls Church. In the Towns of Herndon, Vienna and Clifton, maintenance may be provided by the Town. There are also many private streets maintained by businesses, apartment/condominium complexes, homeowner associations or residents. |
Maintenance Requests - Street Lights | Who maintains street lights in the County? |
Report a Streetlight Outage or call 703-324-5111 TTY 711 |
Department of Public Works and Environmental Services |
Maintenance Requests - Street Signs | Who maintains street signs in the County? |
Step 1: Use the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWES) interactive map to determine who maintains the street, street sign, sidewalk, trail or traffic signal in question. Step 2: See the DPWES Request Walkway Maintenance page for local, school, state and national contact information. |
Directional traffic signs (stop, yield, speed limit, etc.) are maintained by VDOT, who also issues permits for signs in state right-of-way. The County Sign Shop maintains public street name signs, but pipestem driveway signs are the responsibility of the property owner(s) on the pipestem. On public streets that border Fairfax County, street sign maintenance may be provided by Arlington County or Alexandria City. FCDOT maintains bicycle wayfinding, yield to pedestrians in crosswalk, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons and residential permit parking signage. |
Maintenance Requests - Sidewalks, Trails and Trees | Who maintains the sidewalks and trails in the County? |
Step 1: Use the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWES) interactive map to determine who maintains the street, street sign, sidewalk, trail or traffic signal in question. Step 2: See the DPWES Request Walkway Maintenance page for local, school, state and national contact information. |
Most sidewalks in the right-of-way along public streets are maintained by the state or the county. Sidewalks along private roads are property owner or homeowner association responsibility. Trails (asphalt, stone dust, wood chip, or natural surface) fall under many different authorities including the state, the county, Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County Park Authority, Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority and homeowner associations. |
Submit a ticket for a maintenance request to VDOT at https://my.vdot.virginia.gov/ or call 1-800-FOR-ROAD (367-7623); TTY 711. For other maintenance requests, please visit the DPWES Request Walkway Maintenance page for more information.
- Recommend Improvements to Walking or Biking Routes
- Request A Curb Ramp (Sidewalk Accessibility)
- Key Destinations and Barriers to Active Transportation
- Report a Barrier to Walking or Biking by contacting the Department of Transportation Pedestrian Program or call 703-877-5600; TTY 711.
- Active Transportation Project Prioritization for Funding
- Transportation Priorities Plan
- ActiveFairfax Transportation Plan
- Bicycle Master Plan
- Countywide Trails Plan
- Special Area Plans
- Urban Street Standards
- Fairfax County Urban Design Guidelines
- Bicycle Parking Guidelines (For Developers)
- Pedestrian Projects, Studies and Reports
- VDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Counts
- Crosswalk Counts Volunteer - Count pedestrians and bicyclists at intersections and trail crossings to determine if a new marked crosswalk is warranted. Counts are usually conducted in fall and spring.