5 Things To Know About Solarize 2022

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solar panel


Ready for your house to catch some rays? 

The 2022 Solarize campaign is underway as bulk discounts on solar arrays are available to residents and businesses.

Here are five things you need to know about Solarize 2022, which runs through June 30:


☀️ 1. Free Assessment


Anyone who is interested can get a free satellite assessment of their property to see if it is suitable for solar. With no obligation, you can find out if your roof or another space on your property is set up for solar success. Take this initial step to better understand your green energy options.

Find information and sign up for a free solar assessment of your property at www.solarizenova.org/solarize-fairfax-county


☀️ 2. Discount on Solar System


Those who choose to move ahead with solar receive a 10-15 percent discount on the cost of their solar system off market prices.


☀️ 3. Pre-Qualified Installers


Solarize participants work with pre-qualified installers to ensure the highest quality service and support. This year, the two installers for Fairfax County are Prospect Solar and Solar Energy World.


☀️ 4. Electric Vehicle Charging


Solarize also offers discounts on the installation of electric vehicle charging stations and battery storage for solar systems. If you go for all three, you’ll be making a substantial move toward a more sustainable lifestyle.


☀️ 5. Information Sessions


There are four virtual info sessions coming up to help you learn more about Solarize. These sessions take place on these dates:

  • April 5 at noon
  • April 27 at 6 p.m.
  • May 19 at 3 p.m.
  • June 7 at 1 p.m.


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