Podcast: Interview with Police LGBTQ Liaison

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County Conversation Podcast image with LGBTQ liaison officer Lawton

Master Police Officer Brian Lawton has several goals as the Police Department’s LGBTQ liaison.

“Right now, the position is focused on education and awareness,” said Lawton. “Building the program and getting awareness out there to the department and the community that the Fairfax County Police Department has such an entity, has an awareness of the need for the LGBTQ liaison role, and trying to encourage inner department and outside of department personnel to reach out to me.”

The importance of his role within the department is highlighted by its position within the police chief's office in the Community Engagement & Equity Bureau. Lawton recently appeared on a recent edition of the “County Conversation” podcast, which you can listen to: 

“There are some unrealistic expectations and unrealistic viewpoints and images that some people throughout the county have of what an LGBTQ person or officer should be, looks like ... my biggest challenge right now is getting people to see that those stereotypes, those images, those points of contact that they may or may not have may not be true to form.”  Brian Lawton  LGBTQ Liaison, Fairfax County Police

Lawton added that many large, municipal police departments; city police departments; counties with just sheriff's agencies; as well as federal FBI, U.S. Secret Service and fire departments, have LGTBQ liaison positions or even fully staffed LGTBQ divisions/programs. “They're a lot more recognizable in the large departments” he noted.

If you’d like more information about the Police Department’s LGTBQ liaison program, email FCPDLGBTQLiaison@fairfaxcounty.gov.


The County Conversation Podcast

The “County Conversation” is a podcast featuring employees and subject matter experts from the Fairfax County Government discussing programs, services and items of interest to residents of Fairfax County. Click here to listen to past episodes of "County Conversation .”

To find other county podcasts, visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/podcasts .

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