Members of the public can submit video testimony for Board public meetings. Public hearings are held in the Board Auditorium at the Fairfax County Government Center, 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, VA 22035.
If you are registering to testify via video, please note:
You must join the Speaker’s List prior to submitting a video by calling the Dept. of Clerk Services at 703-324-3151, TTY 711 or by completing the form.
- Requests must be fully completed by 9 a.m. the day prior to the hearing to be considered.
- Your comments must be limited to issues relevant to the public hearing matter for which you are testifying.
- You are given three minutes to speak; if you are the spokesperson for a group you have five minutes to speak.
- All videos submitted must be appropriate (see disclaimer below).
- Your video must be uploaded to - and playable from - YouTube without advertisements.
- Videos that meet the criteria listed above will be played during the public hearing.
By clicking send you are agreeing to the requirements noted above and the video testimony submission notice and disclaimer below.
All form fields are required; incomplete forms will not be accepted by the system.
Video Testimony Submission Notice and Disclaimer
Fairfax County will accept video testimony for consideration during Board public hearings. Video testimony must adhere to the same expectation for in-person presentations (three minutes given to individuals for testimony, five minutes given to individuals representing a group). Comments must be limited to issues relevant to the public hearing matter for which you are testifying, and speakers must deliver their comments with the decorum and respect appropriate to the conduct of the public's business. Out-of-order remarks or other indecorous conduct will not be accepted. Speakers may only testify once during the public hearings; speakers may not testify via video and in person. Video testimony will be reviewed prior to public hearings and videos not meeting these standards will not be played during Board public hearings.
By submitting video testimony, you agree that the County may distribute it as the County deems necessary or appropriate, including via broadcast and web-streaming to general public audiences. You grant Fairfax County an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, and broadcast the video. You represent and warrant that you own or have the necessary licenses, rights, and permissions to grant the County those rights, and that you have secured all necessary permissions and releases from any person and for any copyrighted material contained in your video.
You agree that you will hold Fairfax County harmless for any claims for infringement or violation of rights resulting from the use of your video. You acknowledge that the video must meet Fairfax County requirements and that the video will be rejected if it does not meet those requirements, in the sole opinion of Fairfax County.