Are You Eligible?
- Financial hardship that has negatively impacted your ability to pay rent, including but not limited to:
- Reduction in household income
- Increase in expenses due to COVID-19
- Reduction in hours of work
- Place of employment has closed
- Being laid off
- Loss of spousal/child support
- Inability to find work due to COVID-19
- High risk of severe illness from
- COVID-19 at your workplace
- Rent amount at or below 150% Fair Market Rent
- Gross household income at or below 80% of the area median income
You Need These Documents
- Landlord/Tenant agreement
- Valid lease or other documentation of landlord-tenant relationship
- Proof of household income
- Self-certification of loss of income
- Rent ledger (landlord provides)
- W9 (landlord provides)
Here Is How You Apply
Call Coordinated Services Planning
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Multilingual specialist and interpreters are available
Partner with Your Landlord for Rent Relief
Your landlord may apply on your behalf for funds to pay delinquent rent or utility payments back to March 13, 2020, and up to three months of payments into the future.