Public Health on the Scene During National Night Out Celebrations

Submitted by apearc on Thu, 08/04/2022 - 11:22 am

The Fairfax County Health Department joined in many of the National Night Out celebrations occurring around the area the evening of August 2, 2022. The annual neighborhood-based crime and drug prevention event brings together community members and partners during the evening with special activities for families. Here is a recap of public health activities during National Night Out:

Back to School Immunization in the Community: Parents, it's time to do your homework!

Submitted by apearc on Fri, 06/10/2022 - 1:10 pm

Boy immunizations imageSchool might be finished for the summer, but now is the time for children to get caught-up on their immunizations. Parents, delaying immunizations puts your child in jeopardy of starting school in August. Pediatricians and health clinics get increasingly busy with back-to-school appointments as summer days roll forward, so now is the time to take action and get children immunized.

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