Ready for Healthy Holidays; Community Health Workers Bring Health Information and Resources to Local Food Distribution Events

Submitted by xlschwa on Thu, 11/17/2022 - 11:15 am

You will often see Health Department community health workers at food distribution events across Fairfax County. Community health workers assist at these events while also sharing important health information and resources with the community. Food distribution events provide opportunities for community health workers to meet people where they are, no matter where they are.   

Health Literacy in One Minute or Less

Submitted by apearc on Mon, 10/31/2022 - 12:32 pm

What does health literacy mean to you? This is the question we posed to the leadership of our Stronger2 team here at the Health Department. Anthony Mingo, Olga Carrillo, and Erika Logan-Gales provide their perspective in these mini videos. Watch the series for a quick primer on health literacy.



Community Health Workers: Engaged and Active Throughout Fairfax County This Fall

Submitted by xlschwa on Thu, 10/20/2022 - 1:52 pm

Like most of us, the Fairfax County Health Department’s community health workers have been busy this Fall. Over the past month, personnel have represented the agency and presented at dozens of events; sharing information and engaging in important public health conversations. 

Community health workers also attended multiple food distribution events. In addition to helping with the orchestration of food delivery at these events, the team spoke to attendees about important health topics, answered questions, and connected people to health resources.

Hispanic Heritage Month Spotlight: Maria Demarest, Family Liaison and Supporter Goes "Above and Beyond"

Submitted by xlschwa on Thu, 10/13/2022 - 8:44 am

As a family liaison at Bailey's Elementary School, Maria Demarest provides assistance, information, and connection to resources for students and their families. But the impact of Maria's work is clear and goes far beyond what may normally be expected from her role.

Hispanic Heritage Month Spotlight: Mariana Enríquez, el poder de la maternidad

Submitted by apearc on Fri, 09/30/2022 - 10:37 am

In many ways, Annandale resident Mariana Enríquez is like any other Fairfax County mother. She tends to the needs of her two children, ages 10 and 11, ensuring they are prepared for school, helping with homework, transporting them to various activities.

Mariana’s role as mother is bigger than just her family, though. Many of the children in her community participate in her ‘arts and crafts’ after school program on Mondays.

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