Hispanic Heritage Month Spotlight: Mariana Enríquez, el poder de la maternidad

Submitted by apearc on Fri, 09/30/2022 - 10:37 am

In many ways, Annandale resident Mariana Enríquez is like any other Fairfax County mother. She tends to the needs of her two children, ages 10 and 11, ensuring they are prepared for school, helping with homework, transporting them to various activities.

Mariana’s role as mother is bigger than just her family, though. Many of the children in her community participate in her ‘arts and crafts’ after school program on Mondays.

Fairfax County Health Department Brings Public Health to Back-to-School Events

Submitted by xlschwa on Wed, 08/24/2022 - 10:22 am

School is back in session!

Over the past couple of weeks back-to-school events have been happening across Fairfax. Members of the Health Department have been attending these events to provide students and their families with the things they need to have a healthy school year.

Public Health on the Scene During National Night Out Celebrations

Submitted by apearc on Thu, 08/04/2022 - 11:22 am

The Fairfax County Health Department joined in many of the National Night Out celebrations occurring around the area the evening of August 2, 2022. The annual neighborhood-based crime and drug prevention event brings together community members and partners during the evening with special activities for families. Here is a recap of public health activities during National Night Out:

Back to School Immunization in the Community: Parents, it's time to do your homework!

Submitted by apearc on Fri, 06/10/2022 - 1:10 pm

Boy immunizations imageSchool might be finished for the summer, but now is the time for children to get caught-up on their immunizations. Parents, delaying immunizations puts your child in jeopardy of starting school in August. Pediatricians and health clinics get increasingly busy with back-to-school appointments as summer days roll forward, so now is the time to take action and get children immunized.

How Speech Therapy Can Help Treat ADHD

Submitted by apearc on Mon, 10/21/2019 - 8:53 am
Many parents think of ADHD as a limitation that prevents their child from being successful at school or elsewhere. And, while it certainly can get in the way of learning, it does not need to be a roadblock to their success. Speech Language Pathologist Vinnie Bhalinge shares the role of speech therapy in helping to treat ADHD.
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