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Fairfax County produces a number of podcasts, giving you the opportunity to listen to county news and information while you're on the go. Listen and subscribe to your favorite podcast -- or all of them -- and stay informed about Fairfax County. For an archive of all county podcasts, visit our Soundcloud page.
For county news 24/7, listen online to Fairfax County Government Radio.
Featured Podcast
The “Connect with County Leaders” podcast with your host Bryan Hill, Fairfax County Executive, is a monthly opportunity to hear the county executive discuss opportunities, priorities, and issues with various leaders from around Fairfax County. On this edition, Hill connects with Eric L. Spicer, General Registrar and Director of Elections for Fairfax County
All Podcasts
Board of Supervisors Highlights
On this edition, hear highlights of action from the Oct. 8, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting.
Charlas Comunitarias
Charlas semanales sobre temas importantes para la comunidad.
Hablemos Basura: Bienvenidos al primer episodio de una serie en la que nos sumergimos en diversos temas destinados a lograr Cero Residuos en el Condado de Fairfax. Los nuevos episodios se grabarán el segundo viernes de cada mes y se emitirán el lunes siguiente. En este episodio, vamos a hablar del reciclaje de vidrio en el condado de Fairfax.
Connect with County Leaders
The “Connect with County Leaders” podcast with your host Bryan Hill, Fairfax County Executive, is a monthly opportunity to hear the county executive discuss opportunities, priorities, and issues with various leaders from around Fairfax County.
On this edition, Hill connects with Eric L. Spicer, General Registrar and Director of Elections for Fairfax County
County Conversation
The “County Conversation,” a podcast featuring employees and subject matter experts from the Fairfax County Government discussing programs, services and items of interest to residents of Fairfax County.
On this edition of the conversation, host Jim Person talks with Lauren Krzywicki, manager of the Fairfax County Animal Shelter’s Pet Resource Center.
Learn about the environment in Fairfax County. Listen to the "EnviroPod" podcast. The latest installment of EnviroPod (Ep. 46) features a conversation with Matt Adams, division director of the county's Solid Waste Management Program, about the Zero Waste survey and the county’s ambitious goal to achieve zero waste by 2040, the challenges faced, and how residents can contribute to this initiative.
Health and Safety
On this edition of the "Health and Safety" Podcast, learn about Influenza and COVID, stalking and sextortion scams.
On this edition of the “NewsCenter” podcast, learn about Solar Switch, a partnership between the Park Authority and George Mason University Golf, Council for Economic Opportunity and the Fairfax Recovery Court.
Unscripted: Conversations about Sexual and Domestic Violence
Unscripted: Conversations about Sexual and Domestic Violence is a podcast featuring employees and subject matter experts from Domestic and Sexual Violence Services (DSVS) and partner organizations discussing all aspects of interpersonal violence, plus solutions and resources for support for residents of Fairfax County.
On this episode of Unscripted, host Kendra Lee talks with Crisis Response Services Program Manager Andrea Nunes-Gardner and ADAPT Supervisor Jennifer Perkins, both of Domestic and Sexual Violence Services, about accountability — what it means and how to put it into practice in the work of harm reduction.