Fire and Rescue

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Community Risk Reduction Week

 What is Community Risk Reduction (CRR)?

CRR is a data-driven process to identify and prioritize local risks, followed by the integrated and strategic investment of resources (emergency response and prevention) to reduce their occurrence and impact.


What is the goal of CRR?

The goal of CRR is to reduce the occurrence and impact of emergency events for both community members and emergency responders.


What is CRR Week?

CRR Week is a grass-roots effort to promote using CRR concepts in any community across the nation.

When is CRR Week?

CRR Week 2021 will take place Monday, January 18, 2020, through Sunday, January 24, 2020. It will kick off on Martin Luther King Day, which is a national day of service.

Who can take part in CRR Week?

Anyone can take part! Any fire department or community, big or small. Rural or metro. Paid or volunteer. CRR applies to any community and is something any community can undertake.

What is the goal of CRR Week?

Our goal for the week is to raise awareness among the fire service. First, share the role of CRR and show how any department can use CRR concepts to make the community and department safer no matter what type or its location.

Why should I take part in CRR Week?

CRR Week is an excellent opportunity to help raise awareness amongst department members about the value of CRR in making the community safer - which also translates into firefighter safety.

Who is organizing CRR Week?

The idea for CRR Week originated with individuals from various fire departments from across the country. This small group is serving as the catalyst to move it forward for the first time, but the idea is this effort will be acknowledged across the country.

How do I take part in CRR Week?

CRR Week is locally driven and a grass-roots effort. No one knows the risks in your community better than you. So, you can design your own campaign to meet your local needs. While we suggest each day focus on a different “E,” it is just that – a suggestion. It also depends on what resources you have available. For example, volunteer departments may choose to use the weekend since their members may be available, and citizens are home for home safety visits.


How is it organized?

Each day of the week will have a different focus on one of the five “E’s.”



To kick off CRR Week, since it is Martin Luther King Day and a Community Day of Service, we are suggesting communities use this time to visit homes in their communities and install smoke alarms.



This could be an opportunity to have crews visit the community and learn more about the design of buildings or fire protection systems and how they play a role in protecting a building and impact firefighter safety.



This could be an opportunity for crews to accompany a fire inspector and learn more about how inspections make a community safer and benefit everyone – the fire department, community, and property owner.


Thursday-Economic Incentive

This could be partnering with a local business that is willing to supply life safety devices (i.e., smoke alarms, car seats, bicycle helmets) to implement in your community.


Friday-Emergency Response

This could be a day to inform your community about data related to emergency response services in your agency. What are the most common emergencies being mitigated? What is the average response time? Look at agency data to determine areas of improvement and discuss with personnel.



These are days volunteer departments can use in promoting any one of the five

E’s in their community.

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