Retirement Systems Alert:
This fast-paced workshop includes brief presentations by Retirement Systems staff, the County's Deferred Compensation representative, and a member of the County's HR Benefits staff. All DROP participants must exit the DROP no more than three years after DROP entry. There are important decisions to be made about your DROP account balance, deferred compensation, and other County benefits after retirement. Attendees receive highlights of the most important details about exiting the DROP and transitioning into Retirement.
Workshops are offered the 3rd Tuesday of every OTHER month, from 11:45am - 1:15pm, including half an hour after the presentation for questions. (January, March, May, July, September, and November.) Content will be most helpful for employees who plan to Exit DROP within the following 6 months and still provide the mandatory 60-days notice to Exit the program. This workshop is not currently offered for School employees in DROP.
Contact: Retirement Communications
Registration: Find the schedule and enroll in Employee U