Retirement Systems

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM M-F / Walk-ins 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM M-F
703-279-8200 TTY 711
12015 Route 50 - Suite 350 - Fairfax, VA 22033
Jeff Weiler
Executive Director

DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Program)

SPECIAL NOTE:  For Fiscal Year 2025 salary increases to be considered for retirement benefit calculations, you must retire or enter DROP on or after July 27, 2024. 


DROP provides the ability for an employee to retire for purposes of the pension plan, while continuing to work and receive a salary for a period of up to three years. During the DROP period, the pension plan accumulates the monthly benefit in an account balance identified as payable to the member only at the end of the DROP period.  The account balance is credited with 5% interest per year. The monthly benefit that is credited to the DROP participant's account balance is calculated using service and final compensation as of the date of entry in DROP, with increases equal to the annual retiree COLA. The employee does not earn service credit toward retirement during the DROP period.

Understanding DROP

How To Apply for DROP

  1. DROP Counseling - for Eligible Employees
    You can make an appointment to receive DROP counseling. Walk-in hours for DROP counseling are not available - therefore, if you are eligible to enter DROP, or plan to enter DROP within the following 6-9 months, please call 703-279-8200 to arrange for DROP counseling.
    DROP enrollments may only be effective on the first day of a pay period. Those who choose to enter DROP must return a completed application packet to the Retirement Systems Office at least 60 days PRIOR to DROP enrollment date.
  2. Application Schedule

Application Package - DROP Application Packages will be provided at your pre-scheduled DROP counseling session.

DROP Application Packages will include:

  •    Benefit Estimate (prepared by retirement analyst)
  •    Application Schedule
  •    DROP Summary Information (ERS, PORS, URS)
  •    DROP Application Form
  •    Questions & Answers
  •    Internet instructions for self-prepared DROP estimates

Need More Information?

Members of all three Retirement Systems can calculate their own DROP Benefit Estimates, by logging into Web Member Services by clicking on "Access MyRetirement Account" on the left navigation bar of the Retirement Systems website.

Only members who are eligible for normal service retirement are eligible to participate in DROP. DROP was approved by the Board of Supervisors for retirement eligible members of the Police Officers and Uniformed Retirement Systems of Fairfax County October 1, 2003. DROP was approved for members of the Employees' Retirement System effective July 1, 2005.

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