Anxiety and the uncertainty around COVID-19 can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Taking care of yourself, your friends and your family can help you to manage the stress. Helping others to manage their stress can also make our community stronger and strengthen our resilience.
Your concerns are real
If you are finding yourself increasingly anxious and worried, you are not alone. You might be tired, sleeping too much or too little. You might be having trouble making decisions, and may feel irritable, angry or sad. These are all normal reactions to the very difficult situation of COVID-19. Focus on what you can control.
Stay connected
We may not be able to gather in person, but we can stay connected with those we care about by phone or video chat. Ask a friend to be your support buddy and keep in touch with them. Chat outside with a neighbor at a safe distance or join online gatherings to stay in touch. Be compassionate with yourself and others.
Maintain routines
Focus on what you can reasonably accomplish. Decide what is most practical for your situation. Have a daily routine and make time for meals, exercise, rest, and doing things you enjoy. Keep informed but turn off the news if it becomes overwhelming.
Do healthy activities
Get out and take a walk if you can, or just sit outside and feel the sunshine on your face. Close your eyes, relax your muscles, and take some deep breaths. Avoid using alcohol or other drugs as a coping mechanism.
It's okay to ask for help
Seek help right away if you have trouble coping, feel overwhelmed, are using drugs or alcohol more frequently, or have suicidal thoughts. Call CSB Emergency Services at 703-573-5679 anytime, 24/7. Call the PRS CrisisLink hotline at 703-527-4077 or text “connect” to 855-11. Not sure if you need help? Take a free, confidential online screening.
To access CSB services, call CSB Entry & Referral services Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 703-383-8500.
During this time, CSB has transitioned mainly to telehealth services via Zoom for Healthcare, by phone or video.
Learn more about CSB services.
There is hope. We can and will get through this together.
Contact for news media inquiries: Lisa Flowers, Communications Director, 571-474-5435 (cell) or 703-324-7006 (office).