Domestic Violence Resources Available as Survivor Needs Change

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Domestic violence happens everyday in our community.

We have resources available to help those in need year-round. Our Department of Family Services' Domestic and Sexual Violence Services (DSVS) offers compassionate and comprehensive state-accredited programs for women, men, teens and children who have been affected by domestic and sexual violence, stalking and human trafficking.  


Help is Always a Phone Call Away

If you are in immediate danger, call or text 911. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, call the Domestic and Sexual Violence 24-Hour Hotline at 703-360-7273. Hotline Advocates are available to help and can access over 140 languages to support residents. These services are provided to all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender or gender identity. 

Our trained advocates understand the complex issues involved with domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking and human trafficking. Services include:

  • Crisis Support
  • Information and Referral
  • Options Counseling
  • Safety Planning


Recent Trends

Recent trends suggest a rise in more severe cases of interpersonal violence — like those involving strangulation and weapons — and an increase in calls for several forms of support, particularly since COVID-19 pandemic funds ceased.

“When pandemic relief funding ended, we noticed an increase in calls from people with multiple needs,” says Andrea Nunes-Gardner, program manager, Crisis Response Services, in Domestic and Sexual Violence Services. “People aren’t calling with one need; they are calling asking for shelter and counseling — and also resources around food, rent, and basic needs, like diapers and formula. Or they need legal and immigration assistance, as well as support during a divorce.”

If we take trends out of the conversation, the fact is intimate partner violence occurs no matter what else is happening in the world. And DSVS stands ready to help.

“We are here 24/7,” says Nunes-Gardner. “Call us anytime — day or night, weekdays, weekends and holidays. We provide customer-driven services, crisis support, information, safety planning, and referrals to victims of domestic and sexual violence, stalking and human trafficking as well as to families and friends of those impacted by these forms of violence."


10 More Domestic Violence Resources

We offer a wealth of resources and support for people affected by gender-based violence:

  1. Domestic and Sexual Violence Services offers compassionate and comprehensive state-accredited programs for women, men, teens and children who have been affected by domestic and sexual violence, stalking and human trafficking.
  2. Domestic Violence Action Center provides culturally responsive information and support services for victims of domestic and sexual violence, stalking and human sex trafficking and their families. The center also promotes the accountability of those who have caused harm through these crimes with specialized prosecution and supervision.
  3. Advocacy Services increases client safety through enhanced knowledge and understanding of available resources and options to provide support to clients in accessing appropriate resources.
  4. Anger & Domestic Abuse Prevention and Treatment is an 18-week state-certified domestic violence intervention program that utilizes a compassionate approach to teach emotional regulation skills to adult residents of Fairfax County.
  5. Counseling Services offers short-term services to victims or family member that have experienced domestic or sexual violence, stalking, teen dating violence or human trafficking.
  6. Housing and Economic Support provides information to help survivors understand housing options and budgeting and credit repair. 
  7. Hospital Accompaniment provides advocates to offer emotional support and information about options to victims seeking medical attention after a domestic or sexual violence incident.
  8. Safety Planning is thinking ahead and acting in a way that can increase safety and the safety of loved ones, whether a victim decides to stay in or leave an abusive relationship.
  9. Shelter Options, temporary safe housing available to victims of domestic and sexual violence, stalking and human trafficking, offer a secure environment while victims figure out next steps and make longer-term living arrangements as they recover from trauma.
  10. PetHaven Program offers an option for short-term temporary care for pets whose owners need to get out of a bad situation. No questions, no advance notice, full discretion. The Animal Shelter is here to offer a safe place for pets, quickly, so residents seeking safety for themselves have the peace of mind to know their pets are safe, too.



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