Department of Family Services – Domestic and Sexual Violence Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
703-324-5730 TTY 711
12011 Government Center Parkway, Pennino Building, Floor 7, Suite 740
Fairfax, VA 22035
Toni Zollicoffer

ADAPT: Anger & Domestic Abuse Prevention & Treatment Program

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rose in snowADAPT is Domestic and Sexual Violence Services' 18-week state-certified domestic violence intervention program that utilizes a compassionate approach. ADAPT teaches emotional regulation skills to adult residents of Fairfax County and the cities of Falls Church and Fairfax who have been physically, emotionally, or sexually abusive to a spouse, partner, child, parent or other family member.

Program Fees

  • County residents: $450
  • Non-county residents: $600
  • Reduced fees for county residents with documented financial need: $150

Note: Program fees are due at program start (session #1) or a minimum 50% within 30 days and the remainder within 90 days.

Specific due dates and additional information will be provided by ADAPT staff at orientation or intake.

Please note that there are no refunds for program services.

All fee transactions and records are confidential and will not be shared with any party except those necessary for processing the payment. Exceptions can be made only with a written release of information signed by the program participant.

Make an online payment with a credit/debit card payment or a personal check to the ADAPT Program.

We offer groups at Chantilly, Reston, Fairfax-Merrifield, and South County (Alexandria). Each group meets for two hours over 18 consecutive weeks and occurs on one weekday evening per week, usually on Tuesdays, Wednesday, or Thursdays. The start time for each group varies from 6 p.m.-7p.m., based on location.

If you are interested in learning more about ADAPT, you are invited to a free walk-in orientation and registration (O&R) session, offered several times per week at various locations throughout the county. You may bring a friend or family member to this informational session. At O&R, you will have an opportunity to ask questions, to learn more about the program and to decide whether you are ready to enroll in the 18-week psychoeducational group. To register for O&R, please call the ADAPT Intake and Registration line at 703-968-4052, TTY 703-324-5706.

County Conversation Podcast: All About ADAPT 

Fairfax County’s domestic violence intervention program, Anger & Domestic Abuse Prevention & Treatment program (also known as ADAPT), is an 18-week, compassion-focused program that teaches emotional regulation skills to adult residents of Fairfax County and the cities of Falls Church and Fairfax who have been physically, emotionally, or sexually abusive to a spouse, partner, child, parent or other family member. Learn more about this program, and check out the County Conversation podcast where host Jim Person chatted with Gretchen Soto, program manager in Domestic and Sexual Violence Services about what makes ADAPT so unique.

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