The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)’s Northern Virginia Paving Program is paving and restriping hundreds of roads in Fairfax County every year. The paving will take place starting in April and conclude in November 2019. Exact work dates are available about ten days prior to work beginning, as contractors set schedules based on personnel and equipment availability. In subdivisions, "no parking" signs with precise date information will be posted at least three business days prior to work starting. Residents can expect work vehicles in their neighborhood during the project. Motorists are asked to be alert to temporary traffic patterns. Cars, basketball hoops or garbage cans may need to be temporarily relocated while work is under way. Work hours are usually limited to outside of rush hours. Crews typically work on neighborhood streets weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. On other roads such as interstates and some primaries, work may occur overnight.
Transportation Alert: