
CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM-4:30 PM M-F
703-877-5600 TTY 711
4050 Legato Road, Suite 400
Fairfax, VA 22033
Gregg Steverson

Comprehensive Transit Plan

Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) has finalized its Comprehensive Transit Plan (CTP), a ten-year aspirational plan for Fairfax Connector and Metrobus service within the County. The CTP is the basis for the County’s 2016 Transit Development Plan (TDP), the six-year, financially constrained plan approved by the Board of Supervisors in March 2016.

The CTP consists of eight technical memoranda. These documents record the state of bus service within the County, the results of market research conducted with bus riders and with County residents (both users and non-users of bus service), and the recommendations for new bus routes, changes to existing routes, and cancellation of existing routes (where appropriate).

Technical Memoranda

  1. Fairfax Connector Operations Analysis
  2. Fairfax County Metrobus Operations Analysis
  3. Analysis of Demographics, Land Use and Travel Flows
  4. Ridership Data Collection
  5. Fairfax Connector Ridership Survey
  6. Resident Survey
  7. Service Recommendations
  8. Prioritization and Programming of Proposed Improvements

In accordance with Title VI and ADA requirements, please contact the Fairfax County Department of Transportation at 703-877-5600, TTY 711 to request reasonable Title VI or ADA accommodations, including printed material in an alternate format or translated and interpreter services for public events. Requests for assistance at public events must be received at least 7 days in advance of the scheduled event.

Project Materials

Public outreach for the CTP/TDP project was conducted under the name “Connections 2015.” Links to the displays used in the two phases of Connections 2015 are provided below.


FCDOT would like to acknowledge the many people who contributed to the successful completion of this multi-year effort.

  • The members of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, and the members of their staffs responsible for transportation issues.
  • The members and staffs of the following County boards and commissions:
    • Fairfax County Transportation Advisory Commission
    • Fairfax Area Commission on Aging
    • Fairfax County Planning Commission
    • Long Term Care Coordinating Council, Mobility and Transportation Committee
  • The members of the following community and business groups:
    • US-1 Coalition
    • Greenbriar Homeowners Association
    • Cornerstones, Inc.
    • Reston Citizens Association
    • Transportation Association of Greater Springfield (TAGS)
    • Dulles Business Park Association
  • The members of the Fairfax County community who provided their input.
  • The staff members from the consultant team:
    • TranSystems (prime contractor)
    • Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning (sub-contractor, public outreach, service analysis and recommendations)
    • WBA Research (sub-contractor, surveys and on-board passenger counts)
  • The staff members from FCDOT and WMATA who served on the Project Management Team.
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