
CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM-4:30 PM M-F
703-877-5600 TTY 711
4050 Legato Road, Suite 400
Fairfax, VA 22033
Gregg Steverson

Frequently Asked Questions

Generally, if a road has a route number associated with it (e.g., Fairfax County Parkway - State Route 286), it is maintained by VDOT. Call their Highway Help Line at 1-800-367-ROAD, TTY 1-800-432-1843 or place a work request on-line.

Less than 10 miles of public roadway are maintained by DPWES under the Fairfax County Road Maintenance and Improvement Program (FCRMIP). For information on the FCRMIP, please call the DPWES Planning and Design Division at 703-324-5800; TTY 711.

Many private roads are maintained by businesses, apartment/condo complexes, homeowner/civic associations or residents. For assistance in determining public or private responsibility for a road, please contact the DPWES Maintenance and Stormwater Management Division at 703-877-2800; TTY 711.

No more decals. Effective July 1, 2006, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors has repealed Article 12, Motor Vehicle Decal Fee, Sections 82-12-1 through 82-12-12 of the Code of the County of Fairfax.

Fairfax Connector schedules are available online or by calling 703-339-7200. You may also plan you trip using the Metro Trip Planner or calling Metrobus at 202-637-7000.

For more information on transportation planning issues please contact the FCDOT Transportation Planning Division at 703-877-5600; TTY 711 or Consult the VDOT Projects and Plans web page.

Who provides transportation for the handicapped and elderly to doctor appointments, stores, etc…?

FASTRAN is Fairfax County's Para Transit service and can be reached at 703-222-9764; TTY 703-324-7079. FCDOT operates the SENIORS-ON-THE-GO! program, which can be reached at 703-877-5800; TTY 711.

VDOT maintains the traffic signals and can be contacted at 703-383-2600; TTY 1-800-432-1843.

VDOT is responsible for most snow plowing. They can be reached at 703-383-8368; TTY 1-800-432-1843. For more information on snow removal in the county see the Snow Removal FAQ at DPWES.

Contact the Fairfax County Schools Office of Transportation Services at 703-446-2000; TTY 711 (Virginia Relay Service).

The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) handles these transactions. You can call the DMV at 1-866-368-5463 or 1-800-435-5137; TTY 1-800-272-9268.

The Department of Transportation is located at 4050 Legato Road, Suite 400 in the Centerpointe 1 office building. View a map and directions here or call us at 703-877-5600; TTY 711.

Visit the SENIORS-ON-THE-GO! web page or call 703-877-5800; TTY 711.

Fairfax Virtual Assistant