The Domestic and Sexual Violence Services (DSVS) Division offers compassionate and comprehensive state-accredited programs for women, men, teens, and children who have been affected by domestic and sexual violence, stalking, and human trafficking.
Domestic and Sexual Violence Services
Provides a 24-hour crisis hotline, the Lethality Assessment Protocol (LAP), advocacy, information, counseling, resources, and liaison for emergency shelter for victims and survivors of interpersonal violence. The division also provides countywide coordination to improve access to services and the community responses to interpersonal violence. DSVS provides intervention treatment to persons that do harm to family members. DSVS also provides education, outreach, and training on issues related to interpersonal and gender-based violence such as domestic and sexual violence, human trafficking, and stalking.
Advocacy Services
Enhances safety for victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, and stalking through counseling, court education and accompaniment, and support accessing appropriate resources.
Community Engagement
Promotes awareness of the impact of interpersonal violence, including its overlap with other social determinants of health and wellbeing. The unit operates Fairfax County’s Domestic and Sexual Violence 24-Hour Hotline and the LAP, and Hospital Accompaniment Support Advocates (HASA) provide support before, during, and after a forensic exam. Community Engagement provides programs and trainings focused on prevention and intervention strategies.
Coordinated Community Response
Engages human service and public safety agencies, as well as nonprofit organizations and community leaders, in identifying and implementing best practices, developing innovative prevention and intervention programming, and raising awareness of the prevalence and impact of interpersonal violence in our community.
Counseling Services
Provides short-term, individual, family, and group counseling to survivors of domestic and sexual violence, stalking, teen dating violence, and human trafficking.
Anger and Domestic Abuse Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT)
Offers violence intervention services for adults who have caused harm to household/family members or dating partners and violence prevention services for high-conflict couples.
Human Trafficking Services
Provides hotline services, advocacy, and counseling to victims of human trafficking. The unit works closely with other regional, county, and community groups to collect data, provide training, and develop response plans.
Stalking Services
Provides direct advocacy and counseling services for survivors of stalking either in person or through the Fairfax County Domestic and Sexual Violence 24-Hour Hotline. The unit provides training and technical assistance to allied professionals to increase their capacity to respond to survivors of stalking in their work.