The Fairfax Area Disability Services Board (FA-DSB) is made up of 15 volunteers appointed by elected officials of Fairfax County, City of Falls Church, and the City of Fairfax to represent and advocate for people with physical and sensory disabilities.

The FA-DSB works to include people with physical and sensory disabilities into mainstream community life. Our activities on behalf of people with physical and sensory disabilities include:
- Informing and educating people about disability policy and barriers to community mainstreaming.
- Advising elective bodies on issues and policies including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- Assessing local services and service needs for state and local government.
- Catalyzing the development of public and private funding for services.
- Monitoring compliance with federal, state, and local disability law.
- Developing and supporting linkages to improve service coordination and the array of services.
- Advocating for the rights of people with disabilities.