Department of Family Services – Children, Youth and Families

CONTACT INFORMATION: Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
703-324-7500 TTY 711
12011 Government Center Parkway, Pennino Building
Fairfax, VA 22035
Oriane Eriksen


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Parenting Education Programs

Parenting Education Programs (PEP)

The Department of Family Services offers free services to help families develop important skills to grow healthy relationships with their children.

Parenting Education Classes

These free classes teach positive and effective ways parents can interact with their children at every age and stage of development. They help families to:

  • Understand what to expect from children at different developmental stages and ages (0-18 years).
  • Build strong, positive, respectful relationships between all family members.
  • Take charge of their own feelings and behaviors, and communicate in non-threatening ways.
  • Handle stress and anger better, and find alternatives for yelling and spanking.

About Virtual Classes

The Parenting Education Programs is offering assistance from a distance with online parenting classes. If you are interested in registering for a virtual class, please check out the schedule below and email us with the age range you are interested in, 0-4 years, 5-11 years or 12-18 years, and a staff person will invite you to the next available online class. You can also contact us by phone by calling 703-324-7720.

Our classes meet the parent education guidelines developed by the Supreme Court of Virginia. If class requirements are completed, a certificate of completion is awarded during the last class.

About In-Person Classes

Families enrolled in the in-person programs can relax knowing that each class includes child care and an evening meal for all participants. All family members have age appropriate instruction to help with building strong, positive, respectful relationships within the family.

Our classes meet the parent education guidelines developed by the Supreme Court of Virginia. If class requirements are completed, a certificate of completion is awarded during the last class.

“The program surpassed expectations, and I applied several methods and techniques that directly and positively impacted my relationships with my children and our overall home environment.”

“Great class and awesome facilitators. [The class] has helped my son and his behaviors have noticeably improved as a result of implementing the things we learned here into our lives.”

“This class was great! Everything that I learned and put into practice has worked. I have a better system with rules and consequences at home. All the techniques (negation, privileges, compliments) have helped me to have a better understanding and relationship with my kids. The classes have also helped my kids open up to me and understand our new routine of parenting with love.”

“I’m a new mom and I feel I’m doing a great job because of them (PEP).”

ARC Reflections provides caregivers with tools to help children and teens learn to regulate themselves, feel connected, and build strengths.

These classes are offered in English and Spanish.

9-10 sessions



Interested and ready to participate in an ARC Reflections class? Contact Parenting Education by email, phone at 703-324-7720 or contact the name listed in the class information.

African American Culturally-Focused Parenting Classes Offered in English

father and mother holding baby - all smilingThe core curriculum is the same as the basic Parenting Education Programs but it also emphasizes how African American history has affected the parenting style for African Americans. This curriculum delves into African American history, culture, and traditions.

These African American culturally-focused classes for parenting children 5-18 years old are offered in English.

12-13 sessions (depending on the curriculum used)


2/5/25 – 5/14/25 Wednesdays 5:30-8:00 p.m. 
Gum Springs Community Center
8100 Fordson Road
Alexandria, VA 22306    
Tierra Graham 571-407-6639
Taja McBath 571-279-1344

Interested and ready to participate in an African American Parenting Class? Contact Parenting Education by email, phone at 703-324-7720 or contact the name listed in the class information.

0-4 Age Range Parenting Classes Offered in English and Spanish

mother holding up infant childParents learn to recognize and understand feelings; nurturing parenting routines; infant massage; child development; and ways to foster positive self esteem in themselves and their children. Uses the Active Parenting Curriculum.

These classes are offered in English and Spanish.

16 sessions


1/15/25 – 4/29/25 Wednesdays 6-8 p.m.
This class will be held virtually.   
Agustina Bravo 703-324-7737

1/21/25 – 4/30/25 Tuesdays 6-8 p.m. (Spanish)
This class will be held virtually.
Sammy Zeballos 703-324-3532

Interested and ready to participate in a class for parenting children ages 0-4? Call the Parenting Support Line 703-324-7720 to be added to the waitlist.

5-11 Age Range Parenting Classes Offered in English and Spanish

mother sitting with child smilingParents and children learn to increase their empathy, discover new ways to encourage appropriate behaviors, build positive self-concept and self-esteem, and learn how to have fun as a family. Uses the Nurturing Parenting Curriculum. View the schedule of classes.

These classes are offered in English and Spanish.

13-16 sessions (depending on the curriculum used)


2/10/25 – 5/26/25 Mondays 5:30-8 p.m. (Spanish)
James Lee Community Center
2855 Annandale Rd. 
Falls Church, VA 22042
Agustina Bravo 571-585-9128

2/27/25 – 6/12/25 Thursdays 5:30-8 p.m.
Grace Presbyterian Church
7434 Bath Street 
Springfield, VA 22150
Tierra Graham 571-407-6639
Brandon Rivers 571-992-4938


Interested and ready to participate in a class for parenting children ages 5-11? Contact Parenting Education by email, phone at 703-324-7720 or contact the name listed in the class information.

12-18 Age Range Parenting Classes Offered in English and Spanish

father and son being silly with soccer ballFamily members learn nurturing communication strategies, how to recognize each other’s needs, how to understand the developmental stages of adolescence, and ways to build their own personal power, self-concept and self-esteem. Uses the Active Parenting Curriculum for Spanish classes. Uses the Nurturing Parent Curriculum for English classes. View the schedule of classes.

These classes are offered in English and Spanish.

12 sessions


2/10/25 – 5/5/25 Mondays 6-8 p.m. 
This class will be held virtually.
Taja McBath 571-279-1344
Samuel Zeballos 703-324-3532

2/10/25 – 5/12/25 Mondays 5:30-8 p.m. (Spanish)
Fairfax Church of Christ 
3901 Rugby Road
Fairfax, VA 22033
Erika Rincon Diaz 703-324-5004 
Alba Quinones 703-324-7310

Interested and ready to participate in a class for parenting children ages 12-18? Contact Parenting Education by email, phone at 703-324-7720 or contact the name listed in the class information.

Video - Overview of Parenting Education Classes 

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Parent Support Line – We Are Here to Support You

two parents and two young children playing with toy carsParent Support Line 703-324-7720

Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

The Parent Support Line is a great resource for parents and caregivers of children ages 0-18 years old. Staff can help with parenting advice, support, and tips to help navigate emotional and relational parenting issues. Language support is available. Our support team is available to answer your questions.

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Tuesday, Feb. 11 – Free Virtual Parent Café: Understanding the Dynamics of Cyberbullying, Technology and our Youth

Virtual Parent Cafés are a great way for parents to learn from each other as they grow in their parenting skills. The next free Virtual Parent Café will be held Tuesday, February 11, 6:30 to 8 p.m. to discuss Understanding the Dynamics of Cyberbullying, Technology and our Youth. Join us for this presentation by PEATC—Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center to discuss the types of cyberbullying, learn the warning signs, and explore the motivations of those who engage in cyberbullying. Because cyberbullying has created challenges for students, parents, school personnel, and law enforcement, we hope to provide attendees with tips and strategies to address cyberbullying when individuals with disabilities are involved. Any Fairfax County parents or guardians with children ages 0-18 years old can join in through Zoom at For more information or to preregister, email or call 703-324-7720.

Free Virtual Parent Café: Understanding the Dynamics of Cyberbullying, Technology and our Youth



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Parenting 101 Video

Check out our video series Parenting 101. Parenting Education Programs' Natalie Bailey answers your most pressing frequently asked parenting questions about discipline, self-care, family routines and more!

Check back for new videos. Catch-up on all of the Parenting 101 videos.

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Parenting ResourcesParenting Tips and Resources

Access more parenting information articles, videos and more! Sign-up below to receive our monthly email newsletter with Parenting Information and resources.


PEP graduation Free Parenting Classes Grow Healthy Relationships

Don't just take it from us! Hear from our recent parenting class graduates about how our classes have helped them to improve their parenting skills and build healthy relationships with their children. Our free classes are open to anyone residing in Fairfax County who wants to learn about positive and effective ways to interact with their children at every age and stage of development from birth to adolescence. Check out the video.

Andre and Heather family photoGiving Parents the Right Tools: African American Culturally-Focused Parenting Classes and Dads Parenting Groups

“The parenting classes offered through Fairfax County have been a life saver for our family. Looking back at where we were before and how far we have come as a family, is like night and day. These classes helped save our family and our marriage,” said Heather.

Learn more about their story and how to register for classes.

parents and kids with backpacks outsideWhy Take a Parenting Class?

Is it possible to be a perfect parent? Of course not. Even if you think you have it all figured out with one child, the next one may be completely different. Were there things your own parents did that you swore you’d never do? Did you have a good role model to teach you how to be a parent?  The free Parenting Education classes offered by the Department of Family Services will help you understand what to expect at all ages from birth through the teen years. Find out more about this incredible free resource! 

Pocket Dad video graphic logoRelevant and Helpful Topics for Fathers

Fathers, like mothers, play a significant role in their children’s psychological and emotional development. Positive father involvement contributes directly to children’s well-being, safety and stability.

Through each Pocket Dad video, our Father Engagement team members talk about relevant and helpful topics. Check out the current and past videos.

Check out our upcoming Dads Parenting Groups to enhance your fathering skills. The next sessions in English start Tuesday Feb. 4, 2025 and the next sessions in Spanish begin Wednesday Feb. 5, 2025. All 13 week sessions are virtual from 6:30-8:30 p.m. 

volunteer adults and kidsVolunteer with the Parenting Education Programs

Opportunities include:
Facilitating parenting sessions.
Providing a location for classes.
Preparing or serving a meal for participants.
Helping to promote the classes in the community.
Learn more about opportunities.

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