Human Rights and Equity Programs

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8AM-4:30PM. To file a complaint, call (703) 324-2953 to be scheduled for an intake appointment via telephone or videoconference.
703-324-2953 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 318
Fairfax, VA 22035
Michael L. Simms

December 15, 2021 Commission Meeting (Electronic)

Commission Meeting
12/15/2021 7:30 pm




Commissioner Crawford (Home, Fairfax, VA)

Commissioner Bhinge (Home, Fairfax, VA)

Commissioner Hudson (Home, Fairfax, VA)

Commissioner Bell-Krasner (Home, Fairfax, VA)

Commissioner Conde (Home, Fairfax, VA)

Commissioner Salinas (Home, Fairfax, VA)

Commissioner Solon (Home, Fairfax, VA)

Commissioner Shumaker (Home, Fairfax, VA)

Deputy Director Patricia Stephan-Fawcett (Home, Washington, D.C.) 



Commissioner Malik

Commissioner Shannon

Commissioner Shipman




Commission Chair Gloria Crawford called the Wednesday, December 15, 2021, Commission Meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.


Approval of Agenda:  It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Conde that the December 15, 2021, Agenda be approved as presented.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.


Approval of Minutes:  It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Bell-Krasner that the November 17, 2021, Minutes be approved as amended.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.



STAFF ISSUES:  Deputy Director Patricia Stephan-Fawcett informed the Commissioners that OHREP will hire two to three new Investigators and an Intake/Outreach Coordinator.  The office is currently conducting interviews and are hoping that by February the positions will be filled.





HRC# 2021063H – FIR:  It was moved by Commissioner Bell-Krasner and seconded by Commissioner Salinas that prior to making a determination in this matter, OHREP seek guidance from the County Attorney’s OfficeThe motion passed by majority vote with Commissioner Crawford opposing and Commissioner Shumaker abstaining. 


HRC# 2020016E – Public Hearing Vote:  It was moved by Commissioner Bell- Krasner and seconded by Commissioner Solon that a Public Hearing is not scheduled in this matter (Neilson v. NAI Saturn Eastern, LLC DBA Safeway) and that this case be closed before the Commission.  This motion passed by unanimous vote.



COMMUNITY CONCERNSCommissioner Crawford mentioned that both she and Commissioner Conde have been working with Director Saunders on providing more information about OHREP’s services to their communities.  Commissioner Crawford would like to thank Commissioner Conde and Amanda Schlener, Fair Housing Program Manager, for working on this project.  



PENDING BUISNESS:  Update on Recognition of George Alber—Deputy Director Patricia Stephan-Fawcett updated the Commission that Director Saunders has proposed language for the plaque and a video presentation will be provided by the Board of Supervisors. Director Saunders will update the Commissioners once the plaque is ready at the next meeting.



NEW BUSINESSThere was no New Business




The meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m.



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