Human Rights and Equity Programs

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8AM-4:30PM. To file a complaint, call (703) 324-2953 to be scheduled for an intake appointment via telephone or videoconference.
703-324-2953 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 318
Fairfax, VA 22035
Michael L. Simms

How to File a Complaint

Complaint Procedure

Human Rights Specialists will discuss your concerns with you and, if appropriate, assist you in formulating a complaint to sign.

  • After the initial contact is made with the complainant:
  • a complaint form is prepared and signed by the complainant;
  • the respondent is notified of the charge;
  • a thorough investigation is conducted to determine the facts.

Settling the Case

When the investigation is completed, the evidence will be assessed by the Executive Director:

  • if there is insufficient evidence to support the claim, the case will be dismissed;
  • if the complainant desires he or she may begin the formal appeal process;
  • if the evidence supports the claim, the complainant may receive:
    • back pay,
    • job reinstatement,
    • rental of an apartment,
    • credit for a loan, or,
    • a promotion.

File a Complaint

To file a complaint please contact the Office Human Rights and Equity Programs at 703-324-2953, TTY 711 or fill out one of the following Discrimination Questionnaire Forms (Los formularios de quejas estan disponibles en Español):

To file a complaint of discrimination related to your experiences in the receipt or provision of Fairfax County's services, activities, programs or benefits, please use one of the following complaint forms.

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