Human Rights and Equity Programs Alert:
Commissioners Crawford (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Salinas (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Shipman (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Solon (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Ashby (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Supinger (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Bhinge (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Commissioner Shumaker (Home, Fairfax, VA)
Director Saunders (Home, Washington, DC)
Commissioner Hudson
Commissioner Conde
Commissioner Malik
Commission Chair Crawford called the Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Commission Meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Commissioner Supinger and seconded by Commissioner Shumaker that the February 15, 2023 Agenda be approved as presented. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Approval of Minutes: It was moved by Commissioner Supinger and seconded by Commissioner Solon that the February 1, 2023 Minutes be approved as presented. The motion passed by majority vote with Commissioners Crawford and Bhinge abstaining.
STAFF ISSUES: Director Saunders informed the Commissioners that there will be a Commission training on March 15th and encouraged all to attend.
HRC Policy for Participation in Meetings by Remote Communication: It was moved by Commissioner Shumaker and seconded by Commissioner Salinas that the Commission adopt the policy for participation in meeting by remote communication. The motion passed by majority vote with Commissioner Solon abstaining.
HRC #2021044H -- FIR: It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Shumaker that this matter be dismissed due to lack of jurisdiction. The motion passed by majority vote with Commissioner Solon abstaining.
HRC# 2022075H- CONCILIATION: It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Solon that the Conciliation Agreement in this matter be accepted as presented. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Votes on Commission Complaints:
Fairfax County Human Rights Commission v. Hampshire Properties at the Town of Herndon -- It was moved by Commissioner Crawford and seconded by Commissioner Solon that the Commission approve that the initiated complaint be filed with OHREP. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Fairfax County Human Rights Commission v. Hampshire Properties at Windsor -- It was moved by Commissioner Solon and seconded by Commissioner Salinas that the Commission approve that the initiated complaint be filed with OHREP. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Fairfax County Human Rights Commission v. Harbor Group Management -- It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Solon that the Commission approve that the initiated complaint be filed with OHREP. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
COMMUNITY CONCERNS: Commission Chair Crawford informed the Commissioners that she attended an event with Supervisor Alcorn and she handed out pamphlets regarding the services provided by OHREP.
NEW BUSINESS: Director Saunders provided update information about the office website.
The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.