Human Rights and Equity Programs

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Michael L. Simms

March 4, 2020 Commission Meeting

Commission Meeting
3/04/2020 7:30 pm



Commissioner Crawford

Commissioner Alber

Commissioner Shipman

Commissioner Salinas

Commissioner Solon

Commissioner Conde

Commissioner Bell-Krasner

Deputy Director Patricia Stephan-Fawcett



Commissioner Bhinge

Commissioner Hudson

Commissioner Malik



Commission Chair Gloria Crawford called the Wednesday, March 4, 2020 Commission meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Approval of AgendaIt was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Shipman that the March 4, 2020 agenda be approved as presented.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.

 Approval of Minutes:  It was moved by Commissioner Solon and seconded by Commissioner Salinas that the January 15, 2020 minutes be approved as presented. The motion passed by majority vote, with Commissioners Shipman, Conde, and Bell-Krasner abstaining.


STAFF ISSUES:  Deputy Director Stephan-Fawcett informed the Commission about the January monthly report.  The staff met the balance score card numbers for the month.



HRC #2016103E – Public Hearing Vote.  It was moved by Commissioner Solon and seconded by Commissioner Salinas that a Public Hearing be scheduled in the matter of Sawyer v. Washington Gas & Light Company.  This motion passed by unanimous vote. 

HRC #2019122H – CONCILIATION.  It was moved by Commissioner Salinas and seconded by Commissioner Solon that the Conciliation Agreement in this matter be accepted as presented.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.

COMMUNITY CONCERNS:  Commissioner Crawford informed the Commissioners about the annual Fair Housing Luncheon that will be held on April 22nd, 2020.  Margot Squires will email the commissioners further details as the event approaches.

PENDING BUSINESS:  HRC #2015228E - Lane v. Charter Communications, Inc. f/k/a Time Warner Cable -- Proposed date and time of public hearing was approved (Wednesday, May 6th, beginning at 7:00).

Vote for Secretary of the Commission.  Commissioner Bell-Krasner volunteered to serve as Secretary.  The Commissioners will vote at the next Commission meeting.

Commissioner Conde agreed to serve on the Fair Housing Task Force. Commission Chair Crawford agreed to serve as back-up to Commissioner Conde on the Task Force.

NEW BUSINESS.  There was no New Business.


The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.



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